通过对圆锥曲线的平行弦中点性质的探讨 ,给出了一种不需附加已知条件作圆锥曲线上某点处切线的一种几何作图方法 ,并由此可知作与已知直线平行的圆锥曲线切线的方法 ,从而得到圆锥曲线切线几何作图的充要条件 .
this paper, probing into the middle point of the parallel chords to the conic section,introduces a method to draw the tangent line from any point on the conic section without any additional given condition.By using this method, we can know how to draw the tangent line which is parallel to a given straight line from the conic section, and get the necessary condition to draw a tangent line from the conic section.
Journal of Luoyang Normal University