
基于多团队成员身份情境的团队边界活动对团队绩效的影响研究 被引量:3

Impact of Team Boundary Activity on Team Performance inMultiple Team Membership Circumstance
摘要 当团队中有员工同时参与多个其他工作团队时,员工会通过正式身份联接多个外部团队并开展制度性跨界活动。本文以实施多团队成员身份模式的团队为对象,分析同时参加多个团队的员工比例对目标团队绩效的作用机制,以及边界强化与边界缓冲的调节效应。基于79个团队样本的配对数据分析结果表明:目标团队中同时参与多个团队的员工比例越高,目标团队的绩效越差;边界强化活动会削弱多团队成员占比与团队绩效的负相关关系,并且团队的内隐协调会中介这种调节效应。相比之下,边界缓冲对多团队成员占比与团队绩效的关系没有显著影响。本文拓展了边界管理理论的适用范围并加强了理论的系统性,同时丰富了多团队成员身份研究的理论视角。 An employee would connect a few teams and span multiple team boundaries according his/her multiple formal team member identities when that employee works in multiple teams simultaneously.It studied the impact mechanism of team boundary management activities on team performance in multiple team membership(MTM)circumstance.The empirical studied on 79 team samples,in which one member at least had been working in multiple teams in 6 months.The results show that the ratio of MTM members to all members of the target team is negatively related with the target team’s performance.The negative relationship is weaker when the target team adopts effective boundary reinforcing tactics,but not boundary buffering tactics.Furtherly,the moderation effect is mediated by implicit coordination in teams.It promotes boundary management theory development and provides an innovative perspective to multiple team membership research.
作者 段光 庞长伟 DUAN Guang;PANG Chang-wei(School of Economics&Management,Nanjing University of Science and Technology,Nanjing 210094,China)
出处 《研究与发展管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第5期97-110,共14页 R&D Management
基金 国家自然科学基金青年项目“多团队成员身份的有效性:基于二元性视角的多层次实证研究”(71502082) 国家社会科学基金一般项目“二元主体互动与创新情境调节视角下的中国传统文化与员工创新行为研究”(18BGL135) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金“多团队成员身份情境下身份冲突前因与有效性研究”(30919013206)。
关键词 多团队成员身份 多团队成员占比 边界缓冲 边界强化 内隐协调 multiple team membership ratio of MTM members to all team members boundary buffering boundary reinforcing implicit coordination
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