
不同营林管理模式下污损建设用地土壤有机碳氮及腐殖质组分研究 被引量:1

Study on Soil Organic Carbon,Nitrogen and Humus Components of Fouling Construction Land under Different Forest Management Modes
摘要 中国虽然地大物博,但是土地资源分配比例不合理,耕地分布地区差异大。同时,农村宅基地缺乏有效管理,利用效率低下。突出表现为不拆废弃民居,随意兴建新房,大量土地闲置,最终导致村外扩张、村内闲置、新房空置率高的现状,即农村空心化。为了合理开发利用农村废弃宅基地,盘活土地存量,有必要开展宅基地复垦项目,把废弃民居推倒复垦为耕地。本文通过可行性报告的形式,查阅文献,实地考察,并进行细致分析,根据不同营林模式的土地差异,结合渭北秦汉新城的社会经济情况,具体研究不同营林管理模式下污损建设用地有机碳氮及腐殖质组分。试验表明,这些土壤成分变化明显,破坏严重。因此,笔者提出有效的土地治理方案,以期实现对渭北秦汉新城污损建设用地的彻底改变,同时保障农村居民的合法权益。 Although China has a vast land and abundant resources,the distribution of land resources is unreasonable,and the distribution of cultivated land varies widely.At the same time,the rural housing land lacks effective management and the utilization efficiency is low.The prominent manifestations are the non-dismantling of abandoned residential buildings,the arbitrary construction of new houses,and a large amount of idle land,which ultimately leads to the situation of expansion outside the village,idleness in the village,and high vacancy rate of new houses,that is,the hollowing out of the countryside.In order to rationally develop and utilize abandoned rural homesteads and revitalize the land stock,it is necessary to carry out a homestead reclamation project to demolish abandoned residential buildings and reclaim them into cultivated land.In the form of a feasibility report,this paper consulted literature,conducts field investigations,and conducted detailed analysis,and specifically studied the organic carbon and nitrogen and humus components of the defiled construction land under different forest management models by combining with the social and economic conditions of the Qin and Han New City of Weibei based on the land differences of different forest management models.Experiments have shown that the composition of these soils has changed significantly and the damage is serious.Therefore,the author proposes an effective land management plan in order to achieve a thorough change of the defiled construction land in the Qin and Han New City of Weibei,while protecting the legal rights of rural residents.
作者 李帅 张国剑 Li Shuai;Zhang Guojian(Shaanxi Provincial Land Engineering Construction Group,Xi'an 710075,China)
出处 《中国资源综合利用》 2020年第10期83-86,共4页 China Resources Comprehensive Utilization
基金 陕西省土地工程建设集团内部科研项目“不同营林管理模式下的污损建设用地土壤有机碳氮及腐殖质组分研究”(项目编号:DJNY2019-3)的阶段性研究成果之一。
关键词 宅基地 渭北秦汉新城 营林模式 治理方案 homestead Qin and Han New City of Weibei forest management model management plan
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