Uzbekistan is a key target of Japanese assistance in Central Asia.Japan's assis-tance to Uzbekistan can be divided into three stages of exploration,fluctuation and acceleration,with the overall trend of expanding and accelerating.By providing assistance in the fields of in-frastructure,culture and education,medical care,agriculture,and national governance capacity building,Japan has been deepening the relationship between the two countries and building up a good image of the country among the Uzbek people.Japan's assistance to Ukraine has long term strategic considerations such as maintaining regional stability in Central Asia.ensuring diversi-fied supply of energy resources,expanding its own voice in Central Asia,and constraining the development of China Ukraine relations,and will also be adjusted to match the U.s.diplomacy in Central Asia.As Japan and Ukraine have less common interests in politics,security and econ-omy,Japan's assistance to Ukraine will play a limited role in helping the two countries to partic-ipate in the competition among major powers in Central Asia.
Social Sciences in Xinjiang