调查目前吸毒者中使用麻醉药品、精神药品等多药滥用情况。方法:采用自行设计的“药物滥用情况调查表”,对北京、贵州、西安、哈尔滨、武汉和云南等地区戒毒所收治进行戒毒治疗的657例阿片成瘾者进行了调查。调查内容包括成瘾者人口学特征、药物滥用基本情况(药物滥用史、滥用原因、滥用药物主要来源等)以及本人滥用过各类物质在本地区获得的难易程度。并对5个地区 152例吸毒者的尿样进行抽样检测。结果:结果显示该群体中90.3%(593/657)的人采用多药滥用方式吸毒。滥用药物的种类广泛,除违禁毒品(海洛因)以外,吸毒者中滥用过最多的5种药物分别是三唑仑(425例)、安定(401例)、曲马朵(327例)、二氢埃托啡(253例)和度冷丁(243例);这5种物质获得难易程度如下:认为三唑仓“非常容易”获得的287例(占67.5%),认为“容易”获得的103例(占24.2%);认为安定“非常容易”获得的315例(占78.6%),认为“容易”获得的73例(占18.2%);认为曲马朵“非常容易”获得的 208例(占 63.6%),认为“容易”获得的 112例(占34.3%);认为二氢埃托啡“非常容易”获得的119例(占47.0%),认为“?
OBJECTIVE: Heroin is mainly abused drug in China. However, the pattern of polydrug abuse is increasing among heroin addicts in recent years. METHODS: In order to survey polydrug abuse, an epidemiological study was carried out among 657 drug addicts from 6 different areas of Beijing. Guizhou. Xian. Haerbin. Wuhan and Yunnan by using a self-designed questionnaire. RESULTS : The results showed that 90.3%(593/657) of subjects had the history of polydrug abuse. With the exception of illegal drugs of heroin and opium, the majority of abused drugs were controlled medical narcotics and psychotropic drugs such as pethidine, buprenorphine, triazolam and diazepam. The five most abused drugs were triazolam (425 cases). diazepam (401 cases). tramadol (327 cases). DHE (253 cases) and pethidine (243 cases), and most drug addicts could get those above five drugs easily from illegical routes. The main source of narcotic drugs was from black market, and the psychotropic drugs was from private drug store. CONCLUSION: The reasons of polydrug abuse among drug abusers were complex and multifactoral. First, drug addicts tried to substitute heroin temporarily with other narcotics or psychotropic drugs; furthermore, they tried to treat 'protracted withdrawal syndrome' after acute detoxification; finally, some drug addicts want to seek particular psychological effects from polydrug abuse, on specially, produced by interaction of different drugs. This results suggested that it is necessary to strength on the drug administration and to prevent diversion of narcotic and psychotropic drugs.
The Chinese Journal of Clinical Pharmacology