

Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of 52 cases of COVID-19 in Bengbu
摘要 目的:探讨蚌埠市52例新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)患者的流行病学及临床特征。方法:回顾性分析2020年1月23日至2月15日蚌埠医学院第一附属医院收治的蚌埠市52例经核酸检测阳性确诊的COVID-19患者的一般资料,分析其流行病学特征、临床表现、实验室检查和肺部CT影像学特点。结果:52例患者中,男28例,女24例,年龄11~83岁,平均(49.3±17.1)岁;轻型9例,普通型27例,重型9例,危重型7例。有明确流行病学史39例;43例患者的潜伏期(1~15)d,平均(3.9±3.5)d。临床表现为咳嗽不适52例,发热49例,乏力肌肉酸痛不适44例,呼吸困难27例,腹泻7例,咽喉疼痛5例,头晕头痛症状2例,咯血1例,流涕1例,恶心呕吐1例,胸痛不适1例。白细胞计数正常或者降低49例,淋巴细胞计数降低40例。谷氨酸氨基转移酶(ALT)升高14例,乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)升高15例,C反应蛋白(CRP)升高28例,白介素-6(IL-6)升高27例。按照轻型、普通型、重型+危重型分为3组,重/危重型组淋巴细胞计数低于普通型组和轻型组,ALT、LDH、CRP、IL-6水平高于普通型组和轻型组(P<0.05);普通型组淋巴细胞计数低于轻型组,ALT、LDH、CRP、IL-6水平高于轻型组(P<0.05)。52例确诊患者中48例肺部CT检查具有典型COVID-19影像学改变。结论:蚌埠市COVID-19男女患者比例基本相等,所有年龄段人群均为易感人群,大部分有明确流行病学史,临床表现以咳嗽、发热、乏力肌肉酸痛常见。重/危重型患者炎症反应更加显著,淋巴细胞计数、CRP、IL-6、LDH、ALT与病情程度有一定相关性。 Objective:To investigate and analyze the epidemiological and clinical features of 52 patients with COVID-19 in Bengbu.Methods:The general data of 52 patients diagnosed with COVID-19 confirmed by the positive of nucleic acid tests in the First Affiliated Hospital of Bengbu Medical College from Jan 23 to Feb 15,2020 were retrospectively analyzed.Epidemiological features,clinical manifestations,laboratory examinations,and lung CT examinations were analyzed.Results:Of the 52 patients,28 were males and 24 were females,aged 11-83 years,with an average age of(49.3±17.1)years.There were 9 cases of mild type,27 cases of common type,9 cases of severe type,and 7 cases of critical type.And 39 cases had definite epidemiological history.The incubation period was 1-15 d in 43 patients,with an average of(3.9±3.5)d.The clinical manifestations were 52 cases of cough,49 cases of fever,44 cases of general pain and fatigue,27 cases of dyspnea,7 cases of diarrhea,5 cases of throat pain,2 cases of dizziness and headache,1 case of hemoptysis,1 case of runny nose,1 case of nausea and vomiting,and 1 case of chest pain.A total of 49 cases developed normal or decreased white blood cell count,and 40 cases had decreased lymphocyte count.There were 14 cases with increased ALT,15 cases with increased LDH,28 cases with increased CRP,and 27 cases with increased IL-6.The patients were divided into mild,common,severe+critical groups.Compared with mild and common groups,lymphocyte count reduced,and the levels of ALT,LDH,CRP and IL-6 increased significantly in the severe+critical group(P<0.05).Compared with mild group,lymphocyte count reduced,and the levels of ALT,LDH,CRP and IL-6 increased significantly in the common group(P<0.05).Lung CT imaging showed changes in 48 patients.Conclusions:The proportion of male and female patients with COVID-19 in Bengbu is basically the same,and people of all ages are susceptible.Most patients have definite epidemiological history,and cough,fever,general pain and fatigue are common clinical symptoms.Severe/critica
作者 张良杰 李伟 陈家盛 赵守松 ZHANG Liangjie;LI Wei;CHEN Jiasheng;ZHAO Shousong(Department of Infectious Diseases,The First Affiliated Hospital of Bengbu Medical College,Bengbu 233000,China)
出处 《沈阳医学院学报》 2020年第5期391-395,共5页 Journal of Shenyang Medical College
基金 白求恩·医学科学研究基金(No.SG056EN)。
关键词 新型冠状病毒肺炎 流行病学 临床特征 COVID-19 epidemiology clinical characteristics
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