

Treatment experience of 4 patients with common and severe type coronavirus disease 2019
摘要 目的 分析普通型、重型新型冠状病毒肺炎(简称新冠肺炎)患者的诊疗过程,为后续新冠肺炎的治疗提供一定经验.方法 选择笔者作为天津市支援湖北医疗救治队成员驰援武汉期间收治的4例新冠肺炎患者作为研究对象,其中普通型2例,重型2例,分析4例患者的既往史、流行病学史、临床表现、治疗方法、胸部CT影像学表现及预后情况,通过观察临床疗效,分享治疗经验.结果 4例患者发病前均有明确的流行病学史,有新冠肺炎影像学特征,新型冠状病毒(2019-nCoV)核酸检测呈阳性,故均为确诊病例.2例患者临床症状轻微,有发热症状,且影像学检查有肺炎表现,故为普通型;另2例患者有气促表现,且静息状态下脉搏血氧饱和度(SpO2)≤0.93,故为重型.普通型患者采用一般治疗,口服阿比多尔抗病毒,同时给予中药"肺炎1号"中药汤剂(组成:柴胡20g、黄芩10g、法半夏10g、党参15g、全瓜蒌10g、槟榔10g、草果15g、厚朴15g、知母10g、芍药10g、生甘草10g、陈皮10g、虎杖10g);对于重型患者,在抗感染、对症治疗基础上积极预防并发症,必要时给予氧疗,同时给予中药"肺炎1号".治疗后,其中3例患者均已痊愈出院,例1重型患者病情虽有极大程度好转,但因影像学表现肺部仍浸润严重,故尚未出院.结论 中西医结合疗法是本组患者治疗的成功之处,西医抗病毒及对症支持治疗配合中医辨证施治可明显提高疗效. Objective To analyzxe the diagnosis and treatment processes of patients with common and severe types of coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19),and provide some experiencesfor trealment of COVID-19.Methods The 4 patients admitted,received and treated by the authors in Tianjin Medical Treatment Team Supporting Wuhan,Hubei Province were selected as research objects.Among them,2 cases were of common type and 2 cases,severe type.The past history,epidemiological history,clinical manifestations,trealment methods,chest CT imaging findings and prognosis of the 4 patients were analyzed,the clinical ffects were observed and the therapeutic experiences were shared.Results The 4 patients had definite epidemiological history before the onset of the disease,with 2019-nCoV pneumonia CT imaging characteristics,and the diagnosis was confirmed for the 4 cases because of their positive 2019 novel coronavirus(2019-nCoV)nucleic acid test.Two patients had mild clinical symploms,with fever and pneumonia performance on imaging examination,so they were common type COVID-19;the other two patients had shortness of breath and their pulse blood oxygen saturation degree SpO2≤0.93 at resting state,so they were severe type.The common type patients were treated with general therapy,taking abidol orally for antivinus,and in the mean time,taking Traditional Chinese medieine(TCM)"Pneumonia No.1"(ingredients:Radix Bupleuri 20 g.Radix Scutellariae 10 g Rhizoma Pinelliae Preparatum 10 g Radix Codonopsis 15 g,Fruetus Trichosanthis 10 g.Semen Arecae 10 g,Fructus Tsaoko 15 g,Cortex Magnoliae Offeinalis 15 g,Rhizoma Anemarthenae 10 g,Paeonia lactilora 10 g,Radix Glycyrrhizae 10 g,Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 10 g,Rhizoma Polygoni Cuspidati 10 g).For severe patients,on the basis of anti infection and symptomatic treatment,complications should be actively prevented,if necessary,oxygen therapy should be given,and at the same time,"Pneumonia No.l"was applied.Afier treatment,3 patients were cured and discharged from the hospital.Although the condition in another
作者 吕扬 刘美蓉 赵文昌 彭民 路佳 于爽 史东升 陆伟 Lyu Yang;Liu Meirong;Zhao Wenchang;Peng Min;Lu Jia;Yu Shuang;Shi Donsheng;Lu Wei(Department of Critical Care Medicine,Tumor Hospial of Tianjin Medical Unitersity,National Cancer Clinical Medicine Research Center,Tianjin Key Laborauory of"Tumor Prevention and Treatment",Tianjin Cancer Clinical Medicine Research Center,Tianjin 300060,China;Department of Infectious Diseases,Tianjin Hospital,Tianjin 300210,China;Department of Critical Care Medicine,Tianjin Ninghe County Hospital,Tianjin 301500,China;Department of Critical Care Medicine,Tiarjin Medical Universily General Hoaspital,Tianjin 300050,China;Department of Repiratory and Critical Care Medicine,Tianjin Chest Haspital,Tianjin 300222,China)
出处 《中国中西医结合急救杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第5期547-551,共5页 Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine in Intensive and Critical Care
关键词 新型冠状病毒肺炎 中西医结合疗法 治疗体会 Coronavirus disease 2019 Integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine therapy Trealment experience
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