
“诗史”说辨证与“心史”诗学建构 被引量:1

The Dialectics of the Theory of"History of Poetry"and the Construction of the Poetics of"History of Heart"
摘要 在传统认知视野中,长于抒情之"诗"与长于叙事之"史"既各司其职,又不离不弃,互通互补。自唐代杜甫诗善于叙事,别开境界,被时人誉为"诗史"以来,后人不断地拿各种诗体与编年、列传、纪事等史传交叉匹配,以增强诗歌的纪实性与叙事性。宋代以纪实性、叙事性为内含的"诗史"说再度辉煌。明代嘉靖年间的孔天胤曾将这种笔法概括为"以史为诗""情事合一",尤其是明清易代之际经历社会动荡、天下大乱的那批诗人在继承"以史为诗"传统过程中推动了叙事诗进展。期间,也伴随着关于"诗史"说的质疑和争论,直至清代"心史"说出现。一方面,"心史"说在强调诗歌抒情本质的同时,又兼顾了叙事性能,融合了"诗心"观念与"史笔"观念;另一方面,将以"情"为内核的"心"视为特殊叙事的一种,强调了诗歌叙述"心事"的功能,使之成为某种意义上的心态史、心灵史、心事史,其实质是强调"情事合一"。因此,"心史"诗学与"诗史"诗学并行不悖,并影响及史学建构,至今人钱钟书便有了所谓的"诗具史笔""史蕴诗心"之说。 In the traditional cognition,"poetry"and"history",which are good at lyricism and narration respectively,have their own play and complement each other.Since Du Fu,a poet of the Tang Dynasty(618907)who was good at narrative and whose poets were praised as the"history of poetry",later generations have constantly matched various poetic styles with chronicles,biographies,records and other historical biographies,so as to enhance the documentary and narrative nature of poetry.It makes the theory of"history of poetry",with documentary and narrative nature,brilliant again since the Song Dynasty(9601279).During the reign of Jiajing(15221566)in the Ming Dynasty(13681644),Kong Tianyin summarized this style as"taking history as poetry"and"the unity of emotion and affairs".In particular,the poets who experienced social unrest and great chaos in the Ming and Qing(16361912)dynasties promoted narrative poetry in the process of inheriting the tradition of"taking history as poetry".The theory of"history of poetry"was also accompanied by questions and arguments about until the emergence of the theory of"history of heart"in the Qing Dynasty.On the one hand,"history of heart"not only emphasizes the lyric nature of poetry,but also takes into account the narrative performance,thus it combines"poetry"with"history";on the other hand,it regards"heart"and"emotion"as ways of special narration,emphasizing the function of poetry in narrating"heart",making it a kind of mental history in a certain sense and essentially emphasizing"the unity of emotion and affairs".Therefore,the theories of"history of heart"and"history of poetry"go hand in hand,and they influence the construction of historiography.Based on this,it’s easy to understand why Qian Zhongshu has proposed that"poetry contains history"and"history contains poetry".
作者 李桂奎 LI Guikui(Research Center of Literary Aesthetics,Shandong University,Jinan 250100,China)
出处 《吉首大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第4期116-123,共8页 Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目(15ZDB067)。
关键词 以史为诗 叙事 抒情 诗史 心史 history as poetry narrative lyric history of poetry history of heart
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