一、引言 江南地区顾名思义位于我国长江以南,自古以来因为山清水秀.人杰地灵而闻名,是我国具有代表性的水乡风貌地区。江南传统民居是数量众多、历史悠久和分布最为广泛的一种建筑类型,也是人类赖以生存的生活庇护所。这些民居中的各种建筑装饰附着于建筑物之上.赋予其与众不同的个性。如果说江南传统民居是一幅优美的画卷,那这些建筑装饰就是绚丽的色彩,让画面更加生动(图1,图2)。
Through field research and document collection,cultural characteristics and a rtis tic significances of trad ition al residences of southern region and their applications in modern architecture are analyzed.This article gains insights into styles,themes and inheritance situations of structural and additional decorations,w hich gives some useful inspirations for protection and inheritance of traditional residences of southern region and decorative art of modern architecture.
Shanghai Arts & Crafts