Since the first organic certification in 1990,organic agriculture has been developing in China for 30 years.In the past 30 years,China’s organic agriculture research has achieved many results,aroused some controversial but useful debates,and also nurtured people’s awareness on some important issues.Focusing on the review of organic agriculture and organic food research in the past 30 years,this paper puts the development of organic agriculture in China into the global context to explore its local origin and characteristics.In the distinction between bioagriculture and social agriculture,it focuses on food selection and production types and moral hazards,organic food trust construction,organic certification experience research and other nine aspects,analyzing and summarizing the research achievements and gains in the past 30 years.On the basis of reflection on past research,from the perspective of the intersection of Chinese consciousness and global background,it puts forward the further direction of organic agriculture research in the aspects of combining biological agriculture and social agriculture,forming the impact on the existing knowledge system,and coordinately upgrading research methods and knowledge quality,etc.
Journal of Poyang Lake