
淇河河南段的水生植物区系及沉水植物群落特征 被引量:8

Aquatic floristic characteristics and community structure of submerged macrophytes in the Henan section of the Qihe River
摘要 淇河是海河流域漳卫河水系卫河最大支流,是河南省特有名贵优质鱼类——淇河鲫(Qihecruciancarp Carassiusauratus)的原产地.于2014-2015年对淇河河南段12个样点水生植物区系和沉水植物群落特征开展了4次研究.共发现常见水生植物物种49种,隶属25科42属,其中沉水植物12种,漂浮植物3种,浮叶植物1种,挺水植物10种,湿生植物23种.区系分析发现河南段水生植被呈隐域性和热带向北温带过渡的亚热带特征,植物种属以世界分布属为主,其次是北温带分布属和泛热带分布属,分别占总数的45.24%、19.04%和16.67%;这42属水生植物共有中国种子植物所占15个地理分布区类型中的8个,缺少7个.喜旱莲子草(Alternanthera philoxeroides)和水鳖(Hydrocharis dubia)分布广泛,局部堵塞罗玉村河道;沉水植物群落以轮藻(Chara vulgaris)、金鱼藻(Ceratophyllum demersum)、穿叶眼子菜(Potamogeton perfoliatus)、菹草(Potamogeton crispus)为优势种,几乎分布在各个样点,但在污染较重(盘石头水库出口和石河岸村)或受工程影响较大河段(王洞村和大来店村)种类组成较单一,群落结构较简单.总之,淇河河南段水生植物群落结构不合理、地理成分复杂程度偏低且具明显隐域性.淇河河南段水生植物保护与恢复迫在眉睫,这对保护该河段水环境质量和淇河鲫野生资源尤为重要.(图3表4参46附图1附表1) The Qihe River is the largest tributary of the Weihe River in the Haihe River Basin and the original production area of Qihe crucian carp Carassius auratus,an important commercial cultivated fish,particularly in Henan Province,China.However,the aquatic macrophytes in Qihe River have never been examined.From 2014 to 2015,the aquatic floristic characteristics and community structure of the submerged macrophytes were investigated four times from 12 sampling sites in the Henan section of the Qihe River.There were 49 species,affiliated with 25 genera in 42 families in the Henan section of the Qihe River.The submerged,floating,floating-leaved and emergent macrophytes and hygrophytes were represented by 12,3,1,10,and 23 species,respectively.Flora analysis indicated distinct intrazonal characteristics and a subtropical transition from a tropical to a north(N)temperate zone,dominated by prevailing cosmopolitan,N temperate,and pantropic genera(45.24%,19.04%,and 16.67%,respectively).The 42 genera of aquatic plants had 8 areal-types but lacked 7 areal-types of the Chinese seed plants.Alternanthera philoxeroides and Hydrocharis dubia had grown quickly and filled the river channel at Luoyu village.In contrast,the submerged macrophyte communities consisted of one to three predominant species(Chara vulgaris,Ceratophyllum demersum,Potamogeton perfoliatus,or Potamogeton crispus)at each site,but there were significant diversity and community structure declines in the sections with heavy pollution or large hydroelectric projects(e.g.,300 m from the exit of the Panshitou Reservoir,and sections of Shihean,Wangdong,and Dalaidian villages).These results suggest that the Henan section of the Qihe River is heavily polluted,as evidenced by the presence of water blooms(a thick green color that is visible to the naked eye).The community structure of the aquatic plants was unreasonable,and their endemic genera and geographical elements were scarce,which reflects the intrazonal nature of the aquatic plants in this study.Together,these results
作者 王芳侠 祝国荣 刘晓峰 杨胜飞 张萌 崔长海 吴爱平 WANG Fangxia;ZHU Guorong;LIU Xiaofeng;YANG Shengfei;ZHANG Meng;CUI Changhai;WU Aiping(College of Fisheries,Henan Normal University,Xinxiang,453007,China;Jiangxi Academy of Environmental Sciences,Nanchang 330029,China;College of Bioscience and Biotechnology,Hunan Agricultural University,Changsha 410128,China)
出处 《应用与环境生物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第4期985-998,共14页 Chinese Journal of Applied and Environmental Biology
基金 国家自然科学青年基金项目(31400402) 江西省人才项目(20182BCB22016) 江西省科技计划项目(20133BBG70001) 河南师范大学博士启动资金项目(qd13049) 大学生创新创业项目(20150220,20160255,20170248)资助。
关键词 淇河 水生植物 区系分析 群落数量特征 河南段 Qihe River aquatic macrophyte flora analysis community quantitative features Henan section
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