
鸟居龙藏与西南中国——以其著《西南中国行纪》为中心 被引量:2

Torii Ryuzo and Southwest China——A Study Focused on Journey to Southwest China
摘要 20世纪初,日本学者鸟居龙藏在中国西南民族地区所进行的人类学调查之旅,其调查成果不仅受到当时在日中国学者的关注,对民国时期中国南方民族的分类等带来影响,并且鸟居提出中国西南诸族与日本的渊源关系等观点也成为战后日本民族起源论的滥觞。基于此次调查,鸟居龙藏先后出版了两部有关中国西南民族的重要著作,其中《苗族调查报告》一书1936年被译成中文出版,然另一本基于调查日志整理而成的《人类学视野下的西南中国》虽然具有很高的资料价值,却一直未有完整的中译本问世。近期,《人类学视野下的西南中国》中译本即将由商务印书馆更名为《西南中国行纪》出版发行。值此之际,笔者拟以该书为中心,就其颇具“深描”功底呈现出的资料价值、鸟居龙藏一些重要学术思想的形成过程及其与本书的关系等问题进行若干回顾与介绍。 At the beginning of the 20th century,Japanese scholar Torii Ryuzo’s anthropological survey tour in southwest China’s ethnic areas not only attracted the attention of Chinese scholars in Japan at that time,but also affected the classification of ethnic groups in southern China during the period of the Republic of China.And Torii’s point of view on the relationship between the ethnic groups in southwest China and Japan has also become the source of the origin of Japanese national origin theory after the war.Based on this investigation,Torii Ryuzo has successively published two important books about the ethnic groups in southwest China.One is The Miao Investigation Report,which was translated into Chinese in 1936,while the other book,Southwest China from the Perspective of Anthropology,based on the investigation log,has a high data value,but it has never been published in a complete Chinese translation.Recently,the Chinese translation of Southwest China from the Perspective of Anthropology will be renamed and published by the Commercial Press as Journey to Southwest China.On this occasion,review and introduction are given on the data value of its“thick description”skills,the formation process of some important academic ideas of Torii Ryuzo and its relationship with this book.
作者 杨志强 YANG Zhiqiang
出处 《湖北民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2020年第5期68-75,共8页 Journal of Hubei Minzu University:Philosophy and Social Sciences
基金 国家社会科学基金西部项目“文化走廊与云贵高原”(19XMZU035)。
关键词 鸟居龙藏 西南中国行纪 苗族 彝族(罗倮) 人类学旅行调查 Torii Ryuzo Journey to Southwest China the Miao nationality the Yi nationality(Luoluo) anthropological travel survey
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