
抗战时期中国共产党侨务工作探微——以东江华侨回乡服务团为例的分析 被引量:3

The CPC’s Effort in Overseas Chinese Affairs during the Anti-Japanese War:A Case Study of the ‘Dongjiang Overseas Chinese Return Home Service Brigade’
摘要 论文从国共合作抗战背景下东江华侨回乡服务团的组建情况、东江华侨回乡服务团的发展及国民党态度的转变、国民党对东江华侨回乡服务团的遏制及中共的应对策略等方面,探讨了抗战时期中国共产党的侨务工作。东江华侨回乡服务团在干部构成、组织建设和斗争策略方面,受到中共的深刻影响。在中共的引领下,该团在东江流域积极开展民众运动,扩大政治影响,呼应东江抗日游击队的武装斗争。国民党中央在确定消极抗日、积极反共的路线方针后,对东江华侨回乡服务团从容忍转向防范。广东军政当局制造"博罗队事件",企图取缔东江华侨回乡服务团。在中共的指导和帮助下,东江华侨回乡服务团坚持其自身作为华侨团体身份的合法性,得到海外华侨的支持和声援,迫使国民党方面做出让步,使得"博罗队事件"和平解决。引领东江华侨回乡服务团参与抗战,是战时中共侨务工作由海外推展至国内、将华侨工作和民众动员相结合的新策略。在东江华侨回乡服务团问题上与国民党的合作与斗争,则扩大了中共在海外华侨中的政治影响,维护和巩固了抗日民族统一战线。 Through a case study of the the Dongjiang Overseas Chinese Return Home Service Brigade(DOCRHSB),the author discusses the CPC’s work on overseas Chinese affairs during the AntiJapanese War.It covers three aspects:the establishment of the DOCRHSB under the wartime KMT-CPC cooperation,the KMT’s changing attitude,especially confinement,to the growth of the DOCRHSB,and the CPC’s combative strategies.With regards to cadres,organizational operation and strategic plans,the DOCRHSB was under strong influence from the CPC,which guided the DOCRHSB to mobilize the public and spread political significance,cohering to the activities of the Dongjiang Guerrillas.From tolerating to confining the DOCRHSB,the KMT had an ultimate goal to dismiss it,and thus instigated the"Boluodui Incident".Thanks to the CPC’s assistance and advice,the incident was resolved peacefully by the DOCRHSB,which relied on its legitimate status and obtained overseas Chinese support making the KMT compromise.The DOCRHSB case explains the CPC’s strategy that widened its focus on overseas Chinese affairs from abroad to home.During collaboration and also combat with the KMT,the CPC raised its high profile among the overseas Chinese,and strengthened a united front fighting for the Chinese national salvation.
作者 赵峥 ZHAO Zheng(School of History&Culture,Central China Normal University,Wuhan 430079,China)
出处 《华侨华人历史研究》 CSSCI 2020年第3期43-54,共12页 Journal of Overseas Chinese History Studies
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“华南抗战历史文献的整理与研究”(16ZDA137)之阶段性成果。
关键词 抗日战争 南洋华侨 救国团体 东江华侨回乡服务团 侨务工作 惠州 Anti-Japanese War Chinese in South East Asia national salvation Dongjiang Overseas Chinese Return Home Service Brigade(DOCRHSB) overseas Chinese affairs Huizhou
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