It is necessary for the Civil Procedure Law to introduce similar necessary joint action so as to perfect China’s necessary joint action system. From the development trend, similar necessary joint action is changing from narrow sense to broad sense, from traditional to modern, from monism to pluralism, and its scope is also expanding. As far as the applicable mechanism of similar necessary joint action is concerned, it is necessary to divide the similar necessary joint action into the following types: the type of same object of action and the type of implicated object of action, the plaintiff type and the defendant type, and the general expansion type of res judicata and the partial expansion type of res judicata, the standard of its identification is the objective standard of the commonness or implicitness of the object of action, supplemented by the exception standard in legislation. On this basis, this paper analyzes the similar necessary joint action in the statutory laws, such as the Civil Code. Some articles are put forward as suggestions for the amendment of Civil Procedure Law.
China Legal Science