【目的】研究利用遥感方法构建高山松固定样地地上生物量估测的参数模型,可以在今后前期样地的基础上直接快速、准确地估测生物量,或者开展少量的外业调查即可获取地上生物量。【方法】基于遥感因子与样地地上生物量变化量和线性混合模型提高生物量估测精度,以香格里拉市1987、1992、1997、2002、2007、2012、2017年7期国家森林资源清查固定样地和对应年份Landsat TM、OLI的Level-1数据为基础,首先对遥感数据进行预处理:包括辐射定标、大气校正、几何校正和地形校正,提取原始波段、比值因子、植被指数、图像增强信息、纹理指数、混合像元分解后的丰度、叶面积指数,计算5~30年间隔样地对应的遥感因子变化值。根据森林资源二类调查的高山松分布特征,选择地形因子作为线性混合模型的固定和随机效应,采用多元线性回归、非线性回归、地理加权回归、线性混合模型构建高山松地上生物量估测的静态模型,基于遥感光谱信息变化量构建了有树高和无树高参与的动态模型。最后对不同的建模方法和验证结果进行对比分析,选择最优结果作为估测模型并验证。【结果】(1)分析静态数据建模和验证的结果,采用样地号为固定因子、坡度等级为随机因子的线性混合模型的拟合R2最高,为0.75;但利用训练数据集和2017年数据验证,其精度都较低。(2)分析变化量数据建模和验证的结果,采用样地号为固定因子、坡度等级为随机因子、遥感因子变化量为自变量的线性混合模型拟合R2最高,为0.70,预测精度P值为(68.86±11.93)%;增加平均树高变化量,拟合R2最高为0.79,预测P值为(73.39±6.18)%。(3)无论是有、还是无树高参与的变化量模型其拟合和预测精度都达到80%,其预测精度达到了非参数模型预测精度。【结论】基于变化量的估测模型的拟合和预测精度较静态模型有所提高
[Objective]This study aims to establish a remote sensing based parametric model for estimation of aboveground biomass(AGB)of Pinus densata for permanent sample plots,which can be used for rapid and accurate biomass estimation in the future with previous sample plots,or obtaining biomass quickly with less field work.[Method]Based on the change of remote sensing images and permanent sample plots,linear mixed model was used to improve the accuracy of biomass estimation.Based on the permanent sample plots in the 7 survey years of 1987,1992,1997,2002,2007,2012,2017 from the national forest inventory and corresponding years of Landsat TM and OLI images,firstly the images were preprocessed including radiometric correction,atmospheric correction,geometric correction and topographic correction.The original bands,ratio factors,vegetation indices,image enhancement information,textures,fraction after spectral mixture analysis,leaf area index were extracted.Then,the changes of remote sensing spectral variables were derived.According to the distribution of Pinus densata from the forest management inventory,the topographic factors were selected as the fixed and random effects for the linear mixed model.The multiple linear regression,non-linear regression,geographically weighted regression,and linear mixed model were used to establish the static models of the AGB estimation for Pinus densata.The change models with and without tree height participation were developed based on the change of remote sensing spectral variables.Finally,the different modeling and validation results were compared and validated,and the optimal results were selected as the estimation model and validated.[Result](1)Comparing the static data for modeling and validation,the linear mixed model with the plot number as fixed effect and the slope grade as random effect got the highest R2 of 0.75.The prediction result showed that either using the remaining 20 training datasets or the observed data in the year of 2017 for validation,the prediction accuracy was low
Zhang Jialong;Xu Hui(Faculty of Forestry,Southwest Forestry University,Kunming 650224,Yunnan,China)
Journal of Beijing Forestry University