
湖南仁里超大型钽铌矿床工作进展及找矿思路 被引量:3

Prospecting ideas and research progress of extra-large Ta-Nb deposit in Renli of Hunan Province
摘要 湖南仁里超大型钽铌矿床钽铌铍矿资源丰富,Ta 2 O 5资源量达到了超大型规模,BeO资源量达到了大型规模。为进一步研究湖南仁里超大型钽铌矿床稀有金属的赋存特征、成矿规律及矿产资源综合利用前景,开展了地球化学分析、电子探针、包裹体、同位素测年及可选性试验等研究工作,通过系统梳理仁里超大型钽铌矿床的工作进展,进一步探讨了该矿床的下一步找矿思路。仁里钽铌矿床共(伴)生矿种多,稀有金属综合回收率及矿产资源采选综合利用率高,具有极大的开发利用价值,可作为绿色、环保、无尾矿范例进行高效勘查与开发。仁里矿区钽铌铍矿资源丰富,具有较好的找矿潜力,加大地质勘查资金投入有望取得钽铌铍锂等稀有金属找矿新进展。下一步应对矿区2、3、5、6号主矿脉深部矿体进行控制,力争取得钽铌铍矿找矿突破,同时加强对矿区西部或西南部隐伏锂辉石白云母钠长石伟晶岩的研究工作,力争取得锂辉石白云母钠长石伟晶岩型锂矿找矿突破。 Renli extra-large Ta-Nb deposit is rich in tantalum,niobium and beryllium resources.The Ta 2O 5 resource is of extra-large scale and the Ta 2O 5 resource reaches large scale.In order to further study the occurrence characteristics,metallogenic regularity and the prospect of comprehensive utilization of mineral resources of rare metals in Renli extra-large Nb-Ta deposit,the authors have carried out the research work of geochemical analysis,EPMA,fluid inclusion study,isotope dating and mineral processing experiment.Based on the systematic review of the research progress in Renli extra-large Ta-Nb deposit,the authors also discussed the following prospectiong ideas of the deposit.There are many associated minerals in Renli Nb-Ta deposit,and the recovery rate of rare metals and the comprehensive utilization rate of mineral resources are high.Therefore it has great value of development and utilization,and the efficient exploration and development that characterized by green,environmentally friendly and no tailings can be carried out in Renli Ta-Nb deposit as a typical example.Renli mining area is rich in tantalum,niobium and beryllium resources and has great prospecting potential.With increasing geological exploitation funding,it’s probable to make new prospecting progress of Ta-Nb-Be-Li rare metal.The next work will focus on the control of the deep ore bodies of No.2,3,5 and 6 main ore veins in the mining area in order to make new progress in tantalum niobium beryllium ore prospecting.The research work of concealed spodumene muscovite albite pegmatite in western or southwestern mining area will be strengthened in order to make a breakthrough in spodumene muscovite albite pegmatite type lithium ore prospecting.
作者 杨世珍 周芳春 李建斌 刘翔 李建康 黄志飚 苏俊男 李鹏 YANG Shizhen;ZHOU Fangchun;LI Jianbin;LIU Xiang;LI Jiankang;HUANG Zhibiao;SU Junnan;LI Peng(No.311 Team of Hunan Nuclear Geology,Changsha 410100,China;Ecological Environment Affairs Center in Hunan Province,Changsha 410014,China;MNR Key Laboratory of Metallogeny and Mineral Resource Assessment,Institute of Mineral Resources,Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences,Beijing 100037,China)
出处 《中国地质调查》 2020年第4期28-36,共9页 Geological Survey of China
基金 湖南省自然资源厅“湖南省平江县仁里矿区铌钽多金属矿普查(编号:20170331)” 湖南省自然资源厅“湖南省铌钽锂矿成矿规律及找矿方向研究(编号:2018-02)” 湖南省科技厅“湖南省锂铌钽等稀有金属资源高效勘查与开发(编号:2019SK2261)” 科技部“锂、铍等战略性金属矿产资源成矿规律与预测评价(编号:2019YFC0605200)” 中国地质调查局“华南重点矿集区稀有稀散和稀土矿产调查(编号:DD20160056)” 国家自然科学基金“CO2/碳酸盐在稀有金属花岗伟晶岩成矿中的作用--以川西典型稀有金属矿床为例(编号:41872096)” 中国地质科学院“中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费(编号:IMRKK1927)”项目联合资助。
关键词 钽铌铍锂 花岗伟晶岩型 工作进展 找矿思路 仁里矿区 湖南 Ta-Nb-Be-Li granitic pegmatite research progress prospecting ideas Renli mining area Hunan Province
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