
基于扎根理论的商业综合体导识系统满意度影响因素研究 被引量:13

Research on influencing factors of satisfaction with commercial complex guidance system based on grounded theory
摘要 导识系统是在用户缺乏方向感时,向用户传递信息,指引用户的重要手段,同时也是展现城市文化的有效途径。一套优秀的导识系统能快速便捷地引导用户到达目的地,如何改善导识系统以便更好地服务于用户对提高导识系统服务质量、提升用户满意度具有重要意义。针对35名用户进行半结构化访谈,在收集大量访谈资料的基础上,利用质性研究方法扎根理论对访谈资料进行分析和归纳,提炼出用户对于商业综合体导识系统满意度的影响因素。最终归纳出5个主范畴,即可读性、可达性、安全性、交互性和友好性,以此为依据建构影响因素与作用路径理论模型,进一步运用结构方程模型对其进行验证分析,验证了该模型的合理性和科学性。研究结果对提高用户对导识系统的满意度具有积极的实践价值,帮助设计人员从用户视角深化导识系统服务的未来构建方向,并为地产运营商在资源组织和服务更新上提出一定借鉴。 A guidance system is an important means to convey information and guide disoriented users,effectively displaying the urban culture.An excellent guidance system can quickly and easily lead users to their destinations.How to improve the guidance system to better serve the users is of great significance to boosting the quality of the guidance system service and enhancing user satisfaction.Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 35 users.Based on a large amount of interview data,the grounded theory,a qualitative research method,was employed to analyze and summarize the interview data to extract the influencing factors of users’satisfaction with the commercial complex guidance system.Finally,five main categories were summarized,namely,readability,accessibility,security,interactivity and friendliness.Based on this,the theoretical models of influencing factors and action paths were constructed,and the structural equation model was further utilized to verify and analyze them.The rationality and scientificity of the model were thus verified.The research results are of practical value for improving the users’satisfaction with the guidance system,helping designers deepen the future prospects of constructing the guidance system service from the user perspective,and providing experience for real estate operators in resource organization and service updates.
作者 胡珊 刘晶 孙恩妹 王能 罗亦鸣 HU Shan;LIU Jing;SUN En-mei;WANG Neng;LUO Yi-ming(School of Industrial Design,Hubei University of Technology,Wuhan Hubei 430068,China;School of Art and Design,Hubei University of Technology,Wuhan Hubei 430068,China)
出处 《图学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第4期640-648,共9页 Journal of Graphics
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目(15CG147)。
关键词 导识系统 用户满意度 扎根理论 结构方程模型 商业综合体 guidance system user satisfaction grounded theory structural equation model commercial complex
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