目的了解18月龄儿童贫血发生的影响因素,为儿童贫血防治工作提供科学依据。方法使用我国5个省区县监测点儿童的随访数据,设计为巢式病例对照研究,根据第18月龄时2509例儿童是否发生贫血分为病例组287例和对照组2222例,使用SAS 9.4对儿童贫血发生的相关因素进行单因素χ~2分析和多因素Logistic回归分析。结果结果显示,母亲孕期贫血、家庭年收入的情况、儿童每天喝配方奶、食用肉类、食用鱼虾与贫血的发生有关。其中,母亲孕期贫血是危险因素(OR=1.386,95%CI:1.054~1.822),家庭年收入5万元以上相对于5万元以下是保护因素(OR=0.643,95%CI:0.499~0.829),每天喝配方奶(OR=0.609,95%CI:0.427~0.870)、每周食用肉类1~2次相对于不吃肉者(OR=0.636,95%CI:0.455~0.889)、每天都吃肉相对于不吃肉者(OR=0.701,95%CI:0.524~0.937)、食用鱼虾(OR=0.572,95%CI:0.434~0.756)都是保护因素。结论儿童在18月龄(1岁半)时贫血的发生受到多方面因素影响,配方奶和动物性食品可有效降低贫血的发生,母亲自身的因素和家庭环境对孩子贫血发生的影响不可忽视。
Objective To explore the influencing factors of anemia occurrence among infant aged 18 months,and to provide evidence for prevention and treatment of anemia in children.Methods A nested case-control study was set up based on the "Mother and Child Health Monitoring" project. According to 18 months’ hemoglobin concentration,2509 children in the cohort were divided into case and control group.287 children whose hemoglobin concentration was lower than 110 g/L were classified as case group and 2222 children whose hemoglobin concentration was not lower than 110 g/L were classified as control group.One-way chi-square analysis and multivariate logistic regression were performed to analysis influencing factors by using SAS 9.4.Results The results showed that mother’s anemia during pregnancy,family income,formula milk,meat consumption and consumption of fish and shrimp were associated with anemia.Among them,mother’s anemia during pregnancy was a risk factor(OR=1.386,95% CI:1.054-1.822),and compared to family annual income less than 50 000 yuan,the OR value for family annual income more than 50 000 yuan was 0.643(95% CI:0.499-0.829).Compared to not drinking formula every day,the OR value for drinking formula every day was 0.609(95% CI:0.427-0.870).Children’s consumption of meat was a protective factor,compared to those who did not eat meat,the OR values for eating meatl or 2 times a week,everyday were 0.636(95% CI:0.455-0.889) and 0.701(95% CI:0.524-0.937).And our study showed eating fish and shrimp was protective factor for anemia(OR-0.572,95% CI:0.434-0.756).Conclusion The incidence of anemia in children at 18 months of age(1 year and a half) was affected by many factors.Formula and animal foods can effectively reduce the occurrence of anemia.The mother’s own factors and the impact of family environment on the anemia of children cannot be ignored.
LI Ming;HUANG Ai-qun;PAN Xiao-ping(National Center for Women and Children's Health,ChinaCDC,Beijing 100089,China)
Chinese Journal of Health Education
Influencing factors
Nested case-control study