
基于27重SNP族群推断体系研究泰安汉、回族遗传结构 被引量:1

Ancestry-inference 27-plex SNPs Unveiling the Genetic Structure of Han-and Hui-ethnic Population in Tai’an Area
摘要 目的基于27重SNP族群推断体系对山东泰安回族、汉族进行群体遗传结构分析,评估所用体系在两民族人群中的适用性。方法使用27重SNP族群推断荧光检测试剂盒检验泰安回、汉族各200份样本,获取27个SNP位点分型,采用DNA Ancestry Analyzer V1.0软件分析所有样本的族群成分和族群匹配概率,并基于族群的等位基因频率构建系统发育树。结果泰安回族和汉族的族群成分均主要为东亚成分(96.5%、98.4%),但回族样本的欧洲成分(2.3%)高于汉族(0.8%);98.0%的汉族和86.5%的回族的样本被归类到东亚族群。系统发育树显示泰安回族和汉族均为东亚一支,与聚类分析结果相同。泰安回族与国内西北地区少数民族的遗传关系较泰安汉族更近;其中,泰安回族与甘肃的东乡族、回族遗传关系最近。结论27重SNP族群推断体系检测分析揭示,同属东亚亚人群的泰安回族与汉族在欧洲成分上具有显著差异,该体系对泰安回、汉族人群间欧洲成分的差异具有较高的辨识度。 Objective To analyze the genetic structure of Hui-and Han-ethnic population in Tai’an area of China’s Shandong province with the system of ancestry-inference 27-plex SNPs(AISNP27),and evaluate the applicability of the system into both the populations.Methods AISNP27 kit was used to type the 27 SNPs of each of 200 individuals from Hui-/Han-ethnic population in Tai’an area.DNA Ancestry Analyzer V1.0 was selected to analyze the ancestral components and infer the ancestry of all the tested individuals,with the phylogenetic tree being constructed based on the allele frequency of each population.Results The major ancestral components of Tai’an’s Hui-and Han-ethnic populations are of East-Asian(respective of 96.5%,98.4%),bringing 92.2%of all the tested individuals into East-Asian clan.The European component of Tai’an’s Hui-ethnic population(2.3%)is higher than that of Tai’an’s Han-ethnic population(0.8%).The phylogenetic tree showed that Tai’an’s both Hui-and Han-ethnic populations were grouped into the East-Asian branch,similar to the result of category-clustering analysis.The genetic relationship between Tai’an’s Hui-ethnic population and northwestern China’s other national minorities is closer than that with Tai’an’s Han-ethnic population,demonstrating that Tai’an’s Hui-ethnic population is closest to Gansu’s both Dongxiang-and Hui-ethnic populations.Conclusions Ancestry-inference 27-plex SNPs unveiled that Tai’an’s Hui-and Han-ethnic populations were categorized into East-Asian clan though having significant differences in their European composition.The ancestry-inference 27-plex SNPs are highly discriminative to the different European compositions between Tai’an’s Hui-and Han-ethnic populations.
作者 董薇 张金科 黄晓亮 张杰 王晓军 赵英健 朱奕卿 唐光峰 江丽 DONG Wei;ZHANG Jinke;HUANG Xiaoliang;ZHANG Jie;WANG Xiaojun;ZHAO Yingjian;ZHU Yiqing;TANG Guangfeng;JIANG Li(Institute of Criminal Science and Technology,Tai’an Public Security Bureau,Tai’an 271000,Shandong,China;Institute of Forensic Science,Ministry of Public Security(MPS)&MPS’Key Laboratory of Forensic Genetics&Beijing Engineering Research Center of Crime Scene Evidence Examination&National Engineering Laboratory for Forensic Science,Beijing 100038,China)
出处 《刑事技术》 2020年第4期348-353,共6页 Forensic Science and Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金课题(81772027) “十三五”国家重点研发计划(2017YFC0803501) 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资金项目(2017JB025、2017JB027)。
关键词 法医遗传学 族群推断 SNP 泰安人群 汉族 回族 forensic genetics ancestry inference SNP Tai’an population Han-and Hui-ethnic population
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