盆腔炎性疾病后遗症(Sequelae of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease,SPID)高发于已婚育龄妇女,趋于年轻化,属妇科临床上的常见病.中医古籍无此病名记载,可归属于"妇人腹痛""痛经""不孕症""带下病"等病证范畴.另外SPID缠绵难愈,病情反复,可导致异位妊娠、不孕等,对于女性的身心健康及生活的质量造成了很大危害.近年来,多数中医医家认为本病病因病机为本虚标实.经行或产后失于调养、气血耗伤,正气未复之时,外邪乘机内侵于冲任胞宫而致病.对于SPID西医的常规治疗药物是抗菌药物.但长期应用抗菌药物,很容易增加耐药等不良反应,而且由于药物难以直达病灶产生充分疗效,极易导致该病复发.中医以辨证论治为原则,对SPID的治疗有广泛且深入的研究,主要有中药内服、外敷、保留灌肠、离子导入、针灸、理疗、穴位注射、静脉注射等方法[1],都取得了非常好的临床效果,方法简便易行、不会产生耐药性、而且可以提高SPID患者的自身免疫力,通过改善盆腔血液循环,软化盆腔粘连组织,降低SPID的复发率,且目前中医学对于本病的治疗呈现多样化的趋势,故现对SPID的中医治疗研究进展做一综述.
SPID is more common in married women of childbearing age,which tends to be younger,it is a common disease in gynecology clinic.There is no record of this disease in ancient Chinese medicine books,it can be classified as"woman's abdominal pain","dysmenorrhea","infertility","daixia disease"(带下病)and other diseases.Additional SPID lingering painless and repeated illness can cause ectopic pregnancy,infertility,etc.,for women's physical and mental health and bring great harm to the quality of life.In recent years,most Chinese medicine doctors believe that the etiology and pathogenesis of the disease is deficient root and excessive superficial.During the period of recuperation or postpartum,when the vital qi is not recovered,the external evil spirit invades the Chongren and causes the disease.The conventional treatment for SPID in western medicine is antimicrobial.However,long-term use of antibacterial drugs tends to increase the side effects such as drug resistance,and because the drugs are difficult to direct the production of lesions and exert full efficacy,it is easy to cause the recurrence of the disease.TCM is based on syndrome differentiation,there are extensive and in-depth studies on the treatment of SPID,there are mainly internal Chinese medicine,external application,retention enema,ion introduction,acupuncture,physiotherapy,point injection,intravenous injection and other methods,which have achieved very good clinical effect,the method is simple and feasible,there is no drug resistance,moreover,it can improve the immunity of SPID patients by improving pelvic blood circulation,softening pelvic adhesion tissue and reducing the recurrence rate of SPID,at present,there is a trend of diversification in the treatment of this disease,therefore,this paper reviews the research progress of SPID in TCM therapy.
Clinical Journal Of Chinese Medicine
Sequelae of pelvic inflammatory disease
Chinese traditional treatment