500 m口径球面射电望远镜(Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope,FAST)位于贵州省黔南州偏远山区,利用喀斯特洼坑作为望远镜台址,建造世界第一大单口径射电望远镜。FAST观测来自宇宙中遥远天体的微弱电磁信号,具有极高的灵敏度,易接收到来自望远镜自身设备及台址周边的电磁干扰。为此,要求台址电磁干扰水平极低。为实现科学观测目标,如何保持宁静的电磁环境是FAST科学产出的重要基础条件。开展研究的主要保护措施包括:为切实保护FAST良好的电磁环境,设立以FAST台址为中心、半径30 km范围的电磁波宁静区是减弱干扰的首要步骤;其次,对望远镜自身及其周边的电子电气设备具有严格的电磁兼容要求,防止对望远镜产生干扰。通过有效的电磁兼容设计和电波环境保护措施,FAST台址电波环境目前良好稳定。随着贵州省特别是黔南州经济发展,FAST周边建设项目不断增加,针对与众多无线电通信业务和当地经济发展项目的协调问题,如何在科学需求和当地发展中实现平衡,是电磁波宁静区运行的核心课题。
The Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope(FAST) is located in the remote area of Qiannan prefecture in Guizhou province. The largest single dish radio telescope in the world is build in the karst depression. Since FAST observes very weak electromagnetic signals from distant celestial sources in the Universe with extremely high sensitivity, it is easy for FAST to receive electromagnetic interference from the telescope’s own equipments and the surrounding site. The electromagnetic interference level around the site is required to be extremely low. In order to achieve the objective of scientific observation, an important basic condition for FAST is how to keep the quiet electromagnetic environment around the telescope.Several main measures have been studied. At first, in order to protect FAST quiet electromagnetic environment, the first step to reduce the radio interference is to set up a radio quiet zone within a radius of 30 km with FAST site as the center. Secondly, the strict Electromagnetic Compatibility requirements of telescope itself and its surrounding electronic and electrical equipments are required to prevent interferences from the telescope. Based on the effective electromagnetic compatibility design and protection measures, the radio environment of FAST station is quiet and stable. Due to the economic development in Guizhou province, especially in Qiannan prefecture, the number of construction projects around FAST site has increased rapidly. In the face of the coordination with many radio communication services and local economic projects, how to achieve a balance between the scientific needs and local development is the key subject for the maintenance of FAST radio quiet zone.
HU Hao;ZHANG Haiyan;HUANG Shijie(National Astronomical Observatories,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China;CAS Key Laboratory of FAST,National Astronomical Observatories,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China)
Journal Of Deep Space Exploration