地点:福建省福州市Location:Fuzhou,Fujian Province抑制与新生:花巷教堂从1938年建成以来,历经了几轮中国特殊历史环境下的巨变:一,其所位于的老城从几十年的低迷演变成了有着飞速发展的新城;二,从改革开放之前宗教活动的绝对禁止到之后聚会的重新恢复,教堂信徒人数突增几十倍。如今的花巷教堂独自矗立于一片迷宫般的市区高楼之中。由于对额外空间的需求,会众们共同决定要新建一个毗邻教堂的社区中心(即"新堂")。
A Christian Minority in a Typical Chinese City:When Fuzhou's Huaxiang Church was built in 1938,its steeple was the only vertical structure emerging from an ocean of traditional Ming-style residences.Since then its congregation became witness of the radical transformations in city and society:from decades of urban deterioration to an unprecedented era of prosperity and development.
Architectural Practice