So far there is a lack of systematic arrangement and relevant studies about the bibliographies of picture-story books published in the Republic of China. Based on the collected catalogs,the paper combs the bibliographies of picture-story books published in the Republic of China since 1949. At present,there are some problems in the compilation of picture-story books bibliographies published in the Republic of China,such as the difficulties of finding first-hand materials,lack of the trend of cross regional and cross industry exchange and cooperation of picturestory books published in the Republic of China,lack of library’s literature collation of picture-story books published in the Republic of China in the libraries and lag of bibliographic database construction. Libraries are the main storage institutions of picture-story books published in the Republic of China. In order to better compile the bibliographies of picture-story books published in the Republic of China,the libraries should carry out literature collection,co-construction and sharing,carry out the compilation of the bibliographies of picture-story books published in the Republic of China and develop bibliographic database construction with the compilation of paper catalogue.
The Library Journal of Shandong
Picture-story books published in the Republic of China
Subject bibliography
Bibliography compilation