燃气换热器在研发过程中需要进行大量的测试,并投入巨大的资源。为了节约成本,本文利用计算流体力学(CFD)的方法,在试验的基础上,针对一款包括鼓式燃气换热器(DGH)的换热系统建立数学模型。采用Eddy-Dissipation化学反应模型分析燃烧过程;采用k-ω模型分析流体湍流流动;采用Discrete Ordinates (DO)辐射换热模型分析辐射换热。最后以此为基础针对现有设备进行分析。结果表明:所建立的CFD模型可以很好地分析设备的运行,为产品设计和优化提供理论指导。
The development of gas heater requires a lot of testing and resources. In order to save the cost,based on test data,the numerical model of a drum gas heater (DGH) system is established by Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). The combustion,turbulent flow and radiation are calculated using Eddy-Dissipation chemical reaction model,k-ω model and Discrete Ordinates (DO) model,respectively. Based on this model,the existing DGH device is analyzed. The result shows that the established CFD model can well analyze the operation of DGH device and provide theoretical guidance for product design and optimization.
Wang Gongliang(Trane Air Conditioning System(China)Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai R&D Branch)
Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning