

Gift Giving in Non-Intimate Relationships:Asymmetry of Gift Preferences
摘要 礼物赠予是由于不同的事件和动机,在不同的关系背景中赠予者和接收者的物质和非物质产品交换的过程,具有重要的个人和社会意义。但是诸多研究表明,非亲密关系的赠予者和接收者在礼物类型偏好、礼物价值偏好及双方关系结果的知觉等方面均存在不一致性。可以从赠予者-接收者的认知差异、动机差异及社会规范的约束差异来解释这一现象。未来研究还可以从礼物成败的线索反馈、礼物选择的决策过程、采取更符合现实的研究方法及认知神经科学技术等方面对礼物偏好现象进行深入探究。 Gift giving is an exchange of material and non-material products between the giver and the recipient due to different events and motivations,in different relationship backgrounds.Gift giving plays an important role in maintaining interpersonal relationships.However,studies have shown that there are giver-receiver asymmetries in gift preferences.Recipients prefer gifts which are desirable,practical and can induce positive emotions.However,givers do not give these gifts as often as recipients like.They prefer to give gifts of high quality,as well as gifts that are likely to act as a reminder of the giver-receiver relationship.Givers prefer to give economically valuable gifts and socially valuable gifts,but the recipients pay more attention to the thoughtfulness of givers and practical value of the gift.The asymmetries of gift preferences lead to inconsistency of the perception of relationship outcomes.The asymmetries between givers and recipients can be explained in three ways.Firstly,the differences in cognition between self and others that result in incorrect expectation of the recipient's preference.Secondly,it is due to the differences of self-others motivations.In addition to pleasing the recipient,the giver also wants to signal the relationship with recipient through gifts,but they cannot predict it accurately.The smile-seeking account also suggests that the main motivation of the givers is to make the recipient happy,and when the conflict arises between response seeking and satisfaction seeking,they want to choose the gift which can induce the recipient's positive emotional response immediately.While the recipient seeks the balance between the response and satisfaction.Thirdly,another possible explanation is that the social norms of gift giving impose different constraints on both parties.The influence of social norms to givers is in the choice of gifts and the ceremony of gift giving,while the influence to recipients is in their reaction after receiving gifts.Based on the differences in cognitive,motivation
作者 尹天子 Yin Tianzi(School of Psychology,Guizhou Normal University,Guiyang,550025)
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2020年第3期733-739,共7页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 贵州省哲学社会科学规划课题(18GZYB55) 贵州省教育科学规划课题(2017B025)的资助。
关键词 非亲密关系 礼物赠予 礼物偏好不一致 礼物赠予策略 non-intimate relationship gift giving asymmetry of gift preferences strategies of gift giving








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