目的了解山东省糕点类食品中3-氯-1,2-丙二醇酯(3-MCPD酯)的污染水平并进行暴露评估。方法依照《2016年国家食品污染和有害因素风险监测手册》方法测定3-MCPD酯在糕点类食物中污染水平,从而获得不同人群3-MPCD酯的暴露量,以粮农组织/世界卫生组织食品添加剂联合专家委员会(JECFA)推荐的可耐受量为标准,根据WHO/FAO《食品中化学物风险评估的原则和方法》评估人群糕点暴露水平。结果山东省糕点类样品中3-MCPD酯检出率为100%,浓度为10μg/kg^1 400μg/kg,平均值为293μg/kg,污染范围较广。对3-MCPD酯评估不同年龄段暴露(95%)值为0. 12μg/(kg·d)~0. 79μg/(kg·d),占每日允许摄入量TDI值的3. 0%~20%,所有年龄组人群的3-MCPD酯摄入量均小于每日允许摄入量TDI[4μg/(kg·d)]。结论山东省市售糕点类食物3-MCPD酯污染范围广,但不同年龄组的暴露水平均远低于标准要求。
Objective To investigate the contamination levels of 3-MCPD esters in pastry foods in Shandong Province,and to evaluate their health risks. Methods The contamination level of 3-MCPD esters in pastry foods was determined according to the 2016 National Food Pollution and Hazardous Risk Monitoring Manual. The exposure to 3-MPCD esters was obtained in different age groups. The tolerable amount recommended by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives( JECFA) is set as the standard. According to the WHO/FAO Principles and Methods for the Risk Assessment of Chemicals in Food,the exposure level of the population was assessed. Results The detected rate of 3-MCPD ester in pastry foods in Shandong Province was 100%,the concentration range was 10 μg/kg-1 400 μg/kg,the average value was 293 μg/kg. For the evaluation of 3-MCPD ester,the pastry foods exposure( 95%) ranged from 0. 12 μg/( kg·d) to 0. 79 μg/( kg·d),accounting for3. 0%-20% of TDI,and all population exposure was less than the TDI [4 μg/( kg·d) ]. Conclusion The 3-MCPD ester contamination of commercially available pastry foods in Shandong Province is common,but the exposure levels of different age groups are lower than the standard limits.
ZHU Li-jun;WANG Kai;CAO Jing;XI De-feng;WANG Li-you;DONG Jian(Dezhou Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Dezhou,Shandong 253016,China)
Chinese Journal of Health Laboratory Technology