收藏于美国马里兰州巴尔迪摩沃尔特斯艺术博物馆(The Walters Art Museum,简称WAM)的"大晟·南吕",是迄今所知北美地区博物(艺术)馆珍藏的又一件宋代青铜钟。该钟出自天津,1914年交易于美国,1916年巴尔迪摩的亨利·沃尔特斯先生购买,并在1931年遗赠沃尔特斯艺术博物馆。该钟虽然钟钮的透雕扁体戏珠双龙装饰件残失,但其他部分保存良好,尤其是与律名"南吕"相应的音响,填补了宋代大晟钟"南吕"正声钟的史料空白及相关历史认识。
The Dasheng-Nanlv bronze bell,made in Northern-Song-dynasty,in the Walters Art Museum,is another treasure in the collections in North America.It was originally from Tianjing,which was first sold to America in 1914.Dr.Henry Walters purchased the bell in 1916 and donated it in 1931.The bell is largely intact,though the double-dragon decoration at the top is broken.That the bell accords with the scale"Nanlv"is unique among the thirty Dasheng bells known so far of the Song period.
Cultural Relics of Central China