目的分析子宫内膜不典型增生患者中子宫内膜癌漏诊的相关因素。方法选取本院2015年1月至2018年12月收治的子宫内膜不典型增生患者130例,根据不同的预后情况分为子宫内膜癌组60例和非子宫内膜癌组70例,对比两组患者资料。结果宫腔镜检查方法确诊子宫内膜不典型增生的准确率明显优于单纯子宫内膜诊刮方法,且差异具有统计学意义(X^2=5.224,P=0.000)。子宫内膜癌组>50岁的患者人数明显多于非子宫内膜癌组同年龄段的人数(X^2=4.037,P=0.002)。BMI>25.0 kg/m^2的患者人数比较,子宫内膜癌组明显多于非子宫内膜癌组(X^2=4.869,P=0.000)。有无生育史的人数比较,组间比较差异无统计学意义(X^2=1.329,P=0.6542)。有无合并高血压的人数比较,在两组比较差异无统计学意义(X^2=1.014,P=0.8241)。结论临床子宫内膜不典型增生患者有漏诊子宫内膜癌的风险,故对于该病患者,要根据患者的年龄,BMI等因素进行具体评估,从而有效控制病情的发展。
Objective To analyze the related factors of missed diagnosis of endometrial carcinoma in patients with atypical hyperplasia of endometrium.Methods 130 cases of patients with endometrial atypical hyperplasia in our hospital from January 2015 to December 2018 were selected according to the different prognosis points for endometrial cancer group(60 cases)and non uterine endometrial carcinoma group(70 cases),then the data of two groups of patients were compared.Results The accuracy of diagnosis of endometrial atypical hyperplasia by hysteroscopy was significantly better than that of simple endometrial curettage,and the difference was statistically significant(X^2=5.224,P=0.000).The number of patients aged>50 years in endometrial cancer group was significantly higher than that in non endometrial cancer group(X^2=4.037,P=0.002).The number of patients with BMI>25.0 kg/m^2 was significantly higher than that of non endometrial cancer group(X^2=4.869,P=0.000).There was no significant difference between the two groups in the number of people who had a history of childbearing(X^2=1.329,P=0.6542).There was no significant difference between the two groups in the presence of hypertension(X^2=1.014,P=0.8241).Conclusion The patients with endometrial dysplasia have the risk of missed diagnosis of endometrial carcinoma.Therefore,the patients should be evaluated according to the age of the patients and the BMI and so on,so as to effectively control the development of the disease.
Lu Zhihong;Zhu Juanjuan(Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics,Traditional Chinese Medicine hospital in Jianli County,Jingzhou,Hubei,433300,China)
Contemporary Medicine