

A Study on the Emotional Exhaustion of Counselors in College Crisis
摘要 辅导员是高校大学生日常教育和管理的组织者和实施者,在处理学生危机事件过程中可能产生较强的情绪波动,甚至出现情绪耗竭现象。辅导员情绪管理水平是影响学生危机事件处理成效的重要因素,要通过探究辅导员情绪影响因素,探索辅导员心理管理和调适对策,防止情绪耗竭现象的产生,保障辅导员的心理健康。 Counselors are organizers and implementers of College Students’ daily education and management. In the process of dealing with students’ crisis events, they may have strong emotional fluctuations, even emotional exhaustion. The level of counselor’s emotional management is an important factor that affects the effectiveness of student’s crisis event handling. We should explore the influencing factors of counselor’s emotional, explore the psychological management and adjustment countermeasures of counselor, prevent the occurrence of emotional exhaustion, and ensure the psychological health of counselor.
作者 孙传通 魏阳芷 张慧晶 ZHANG Chuantong;WEI Yangzhi;ZHANG Hujjing(Department of Students'Affairs,Shanghai University of Finance and Economics,Shanghai 200433)
出处 《科教导刊》 2020年第5期165-166,共2页 The Guide Of Science & Education
基金 2019年度上海学校德育实践研究课题“高校危机事件中辅导员情绪耗竭研究”(项目批准号:2018-D-048)阶段性成果。
关键词 高校辅导员 情绪耗竭 对策 college counselor emotional exhaustion countermeasures
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