针对5G新空口-车用无线通信(NR-V2X)技术中的直连通信应用于自动驾驶场景的频谱需求进行研究,给出频谱需求研究方法、假设参数和评估结果。在NR-V2X系统中,使用广播模式发送承载状态信息和环境信息的消息,这部分消息需要至少30~40 MHz的频率。NRV2X的组播模式可以支持自动驾驶群组间协商和决策。尽管组播模式对于支持高级应用更为关键,但由于群组通信基本上是事件触发,通过组播模式传输的总业务量远远少于广播消息的总业务量,在进行NR-V2X频率研究的初期可以暂不考虑组播模式的频率需求。
In this paper, the spectrum requirements of 5 G new radio(NR)-vehicle to everything(V2 X) Sidelink communications for autonomous driving is studied. The methodology, assumptions, and evaluation results are provided. In a NR-V2 X system, the broadcast mode is used to send messages that carry status information and environmental information. The frequency requirement for broadcast mode is predicted to be at least 30~40 MHz. NRV2 X supports the use of groupcast mode to send negotiation and decision messages in autonomous driving group communication. However, since group communication is basically event-triggered, even the groupcast mode is critical to support the advanced automotive applications, the total traffic transmitted through groupcast mode is much less than the total traffic of broadcast messages. Therefore, the frequency requirements of the groupcast mode can be neglected in the early stage of NR-V2 X frequency study.
LI Yan;GAO Lu(QUALCOMM Wireless Communication Technologies(China)Limited,Beijing 100013,China)
ZTE Technology Journal