
基于SEM的高铁信号人员安全文化评价体系构建 被引量:1

摘要 高铁信号人员安全文化对其工作的影响较大,是研究管理其安全行为的重点,而采用经典验证性因子分析法,对其评价体系进行构建是实用性较强的途径之一。拟于《企业安全文化建设评价准则》的基础上,使用结构方程模型对安全文化评价体系进行构建,并用验证性因子分析方法说明了模型的高拟合性。 The safety culture of high-speed rail signal maintainers had a greater impact on their work, which is the focus of research and management of their safety behaviors. And the use of classic confirmatory factor analysis to construct their evaluation system was one of the more practical ways. Based on the "Enterprise Safety Culture Construction Assessment Criteria", a structural equation model(SEM) was used to construct the safety culture evaluation system, and the high-fitness of the model was explained by a confirmatory factor analysis method.
作者 王耀安
出处 《科技创新与应用》 2020年第17期61-63,共3页 Technology Innovation and Application
基金 中铁第一勘察设计院集团有限公司科研项目(院科19-27)。
关键词 安全文化 信度 效度 结构方程模型(SEM) safety culture reliability validity structural equation model(SEM)
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