

Study on the Impact of Continuing Nursing Services on Negative Emotions in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease
摘要 目的分析延续护理服务对冠心病所致并发症发生的影响。方法方便选取该院2016年1月-2019年1月收治的80例冠心病患者,随机分组,常规护理组给予常规化护理,对延续护理服务组患者开展延续护理服务。比较两组满意度;患者出院后服药依从评分、运动依从评分、低脂低盐饮食依从评分、定期复查依从评分;护理前后负性情绪的指标;并发症发生率。结果延续护理服务组的满意度是100.00%高于常规护理组(χ~2=5.256,P<0.05)。护理前两组后负性情绪的指标相关评分值差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);护理后延续护理服务组焦虑心理评分(24.01±2.13)分、抑郁心理评分(20.01±0.12)分优于常规护理组(P<0.05);延续护理服务组冠心病患者出院后服药依从评分、运动依从评分、低脂低盐饮食依从评分、定期复查依从评分分优于常规护理组(t=6.245、7.103、6.561、8.045,P<0.05);延续护理服务组并发症发生率5.00%更少(χ~2=6.944,P<0.05)。结论冠心病患者实施延续护理服务效果确切,可有效改善冠心病患者的心理状态,提高依从性,减少并发症,提高满意度。 Objective To analyze the effect of continuous nursing service on complications caused by coronary heart disease. Methods 80 patients with coronary heart disease convenientlly selected in our hospital From Janaury 2016 to January 2019 were randomly divided into groups. The routine nursing group gave routine nursing care and continued care services for patients in the continuous care service group. The satisfaction of the two groups was not compared. The patients were discharged from the hospital after the medication compliance score, exercise compliance score,low-fat and low-salt diet compliance score,regular review compliance scores;negative emotion indicators before and after treatment;complication rate. Results The satisfaction of the extended care group was 100.00% higher than that of the conventional care group (χ~2=5.256, P<0.05). The scores of negative emotions in the two groups before treatment were statistically significant difference(P>0.05). After the nursing,the anxiety service scores of the nursing service group(24.01±2.13)points and depression scores(20.01±0.12)points were better than the routine nursing group(P<0.05);continuing care service group patients with coronary heart disease after discharge from medication compliance score, exercise compliance score, low-fat low-salt diet compliance score, regular review compliance scores were better than the regular care group(t=6.245, 7.103, 6.561, 8.045, P<0.05);the complication rate of the extended care group was 5.00%(χ~2=6.944, P<0.05). Conclusion The implementation of continuous care service in patients with coronary heart disease is effective, which can effectively improve the psychological state of patients with coronary heart disease, improve compliance,reduce complications and improve satisfaction.
作者 赵云 ZHAO Yun(Department of Internal Medicine,Pizhou Kanghua Hospital,Xuzhou,Jiangsu Province,221300 China)
出处 《中外医疗》 2020年第10期135-137,共3页 China & Foreign Medical Treatment
关键词 延续护理 满意度 冠心病患者 护理效果 心理状况 Continuation of care Satisfaction Patients with coronary heart disease Nursing effect Psychological status
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