Since December 2019,an atypical pneumonia has occurred in Wuhan,a beautiful city located at the center of China(Fig.1),and the whole country.The origin of the disease remains unclear and the suspected Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market was closed on January 1,2020.Very rapidly,a novel coronavirus was isolated and named first the 2019 novel coronavirus(2019-nCoV)[1]and subsequently severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2(SARS-CoV-2)[2],and is suggested to be named as human coronavirus 2019(HCoV-19)[3].Meanwhile,the disease is chronologically called pneumonia of unknown origin,novel coronavirus pneumonia(NCP),and coronavirus disease-2019(COVID-19)(Fig.2).Superspreading events of this virus have also taken place on the Diamond Princess cruise off the coast of Yokohama,Japan[4].The Chinese central[5]and local governments[6]have been endeavoring unprecedented efforts to constrain the outbreak,and more than 30000 medical professionals especially doctors and nurses outside Wuhan have been joining the local ones to handle this emergency.