本文首先介绍了澳大利亚图书馆和情报协会(Australian Library and Information Association)的概况,然后详细分析了ALIA主办和参与的阅读推广项目,如图书馆和信息周、爱图书馆日、全国同步故事时间、全民阅读年2012和阅读一小时。最后,文章总结了澳大利亚图书馆和情报协会的成功经验以及对我国阅读推广活动开展的四点启示:即获取政府支持;重视合作力量;注重品牌效应;发挥协会引领作用。
First,the paper makes an introduction of Australian Library and Information Association(ALIA),and then analyses in detail the reading promotion programs ALIA hosts or participates in,including Library and Information Week,Library Lovers’Day,National Simultaneous Storytime,National Year of Reading 2012 and The Reading Hour.Finally,the paper summarizes the successful experience of the Association and puts forward four suggestions,that is,getting support from the government,attaching importance to cooperation,focusing on brand effect and playing association’s leading role.
The Library Journal of Shandong