为应对国六排放升级,满足粒子数量(particle numbers,PN)的排放限值要求,在全球轻型车统一测试循环(worldwide light-duty test cycle,WLTC)下,以汽油机颗粒捕集器(gasoline particulate filter,GPF)为主要研究对象,分析GPF布置位置、涂层上载量、壁厚3种因素对PN排放的影响。试验结果表明:GPF涂层上载量和壁厚不变,GPF布置方式由紧耦合式变更为底盘式时,PN排放试验结果与排放标准限值的比例由365%降低至281%;GPF布置位置和壁厚不变,GPF涂层上载量由75 g/L提高到100 g/L,PN试验结果与标准限值的比例由150%降至85%;GPF布置位置和涂层上载量不变,GPF壁厚由0.2032 mm增加到0.3048 mm,PN试验结果与标准限值的比例由150%降至75%。
In order to meet the particle numbers(PN)limit requirement in CHINA 6 regulations,under the worldwide light-duty test cycle(WLTC),gasoline particulate filter(GPF)is taken as the main research object,the effects of GPF layout position,coating loading capacity and wall thickness are analysed.The test results show that when coating load and wall thickness of GPF are the same,the GPF layout is changed from the tight coupling type to the bottom plate type,the ratio of PN to the limits of the emission standards decreases from 365%to 281%;When GPF layout position and wall thickness are the same,the GPF coating loading increases from 75 g/L to 100 g/L,the ratio of PN to the limits of the emission standards decreases from 150%to 85%;When GPF layout position and coating load are the same,the GPF wall thickness increases from 0.2032 mm to 0.3048 mm,the ratio of PN to the limits of the emission standards decreases from 150%to 75%.
YAN Guangyi;ZHANG Hanqiao;JIANG Maoding;ZHONG Qiuyue;MA Biao(Technical Center,Anhui Jianghuai Automobile Group Corp.Ltd,Hefei 230041,China)
Internal Combustion Engine & Powerplant