Chip-scale,tunable narrow-linewidth hybrid integrated diode lasers based on quantum-dot RSOAs at 1.3μm are demonstrated through butt-coupling to a silicon nitride photonic integrated circuit.The hybrid laser linewidth is around 85 k Hz,and the tuning range is around 47 nm.Then,a fully integrated beam steerer is demonstrated by combining the tunable diode laser with a waveguide surface grating.Our system can provide beam steering of 4.1°in one direction by tuning the wavelength of the hybrid laser.Besides,a wavelength-tunable triple-band hybrid laser system working at^1,~1.3,and^1.55μm bands is demonstrated for wide-angle beam steering in a single chip.
Army Research Office(W911NF-18-1-0176)
National Science Foundation(ECCS-1842691)
Office of Naval Research(N00014-17-1-2556)
The authors acknowledge the use of the Gatech Nanotechnology Research Center Facility and associated support services in the completion of this work.This work was also performed in part at the Cornell NanoScale Facility,a member of the National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure(NNCI).