Emperor Guang Wu had a divergent understand with Du Lin who had been an official in previous Western Han Dynasty on honoring whether the Sage king Yao or Han Emperor Gao for heaven sacrifice on the ceremony. Guang Wu believed the figure being honored should be the first ancestor,therefore picked Yao. Du Lin believed that Emperor Gao contained both roles as the first ancestor and the first ruler,so the heaven sacrifice should recover"honoring Emperor Gao"from so called"ancestor convention"of Western Han. Du Lin’s idea actually came from Wang Mang’s new ritual finished on the fourth year of Yuan Shi. Du Lin emphasized on the legitimacy of Han for the new founding dynasty,explaining it as a restoration of Western Han. On the other hand,Guang Wu’s"honoring Yao"also modeled on Wang Mang’s new ritual,specifically the"honoring Yellow Emperor"ritual in the first year of new founded Xin Dynasty. The imitation for Wang Mang’s ritual indicated Guang Wu’s ambition to define his founding achievement as"origination"but not"restoration". Differentsignificance of honoring Yao and Emperor Gao revealed the complexity between the legitimacy of Eastern Han and the past Western Han,behind that was the quest on whether Eastern Han was originated or a restoration from previous Han.
Journal of Chinese Literature and History