

Effectiveness Analysis of the Impact of Authentication Mode on P2P Credit Risk:Empirical Data from"Renrendai"
摘要 借贷双方信息不对称导致P2P市场信用风险增加,很多P2P平台利用增加借款人的信息认证形式来降低信息不对称。为了研究认证方式的增加能否有效降低P2P信用风险,通过利用logistic模型对"人人贷"的信用标的借款成功及违约因素进行实证分析。结果显示:借款人往往通过增加认证方式来提高借款的成功率,认证方式增加能有效提高借款人申请借款的成功率,但并不能有效地降低借款的违约率;认证方式的增加会导致更高的借款违约;而与借款人软实力的相关信息认证能有效地提高借款成功率,也可以有效降低违约率。 Information asymmetry between creditors and borrowers leads to an increase in credit risk in P2 P market.Many P2 P platforms reduce information asymmetry by increasing the information authentication form of borrowers.In order to study whether the increase of authentication mode can effectively reduce the P2 P credit risk,this paper uses the logistic model to empirically analyze on the successful borrowing and loan default factors of the credit target of the loan platform"Renrendai".The empirical results show that borrowers often increase the success rate of borrowing by increasing authentication modes which can effectively increase the success rate of borrowers’borrowing,but it cannot effectively reduce the rate of loan default.The increase in certification modes will lead to higher loan defaults.Information authentication related to the borrower’s soft power can effectively improve the success rate of borrowing,and can also effectively reduce the rate of default.
作者 宁红泉 NING Hongquan(College of Finance,Fujian Business University,Fuzhou 350016,China)
出处 《宿州学院学报》 2020年第2期33-37,共5页 Journal of Suzhou University
基金 福建商学院科研项目(KT201606)。
关键词 信息不对称 认证方式 LOGISTIC模型 违约率 Information asymmetry Authentication mode Logistic model Default
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