
企业家灵性资本如何影响团队创新绩效?--基于独角兽公司创业导向的视角 被引量:7

How does Entrepreneurial Spiritual Capital Affect Team Innovation Performance? Based on the Perspective of Unicorn’s Entrepreneurial Orientation
摘要 企业家灵性资本是企业家高层次精神资本,是企业家在愿景、信仰、终极价值目标方面的素养,关系到企业家奋斗的源动力,被认为是影响创业活动及团队创新绩效的关键要素。本文基于独角兽公司创业导向的视角,探讨了企业家灵性资本对团队创新绩效的影响作用。结果表明,企业家灵性资本积极影响企业的团队创新绩效,而创业导向在其中起到中介作用。另外,环境动态性对企业家灵性资本与团队创新绩效、创业导向之间的关系起到调节作用。本文的研究结论对推动包括独角兽公司在内的企业创新创业和持续发展具有重要的参考价值。 Entrepreneurial spiritual capital is the high level spiritual capital of entrepreneurs,the sum of the spirits and beliefs of entrepreneurs,which has a positive effect on the development of enterprises and the growth of employees. It is considered to be a key factor affecting entrepreneurial activities and team innovation performance. Based on the perspective of unicorn’s entrepreneurial orientation, this paper discusses the impact of entrepreneurial spiritual capital on team innovation performance. The results show that entrepreneurial spiritual capital has a positive impact on team innovation performance, and entrepreneurial orientation plays an intermediary role. In addition, the dynamic environment plays a regulatory role in the relationship between entrepreneurial spiritual capital, team innovation performance and entrepreneurial orientation. The conclusion of this paper has important reference value to guide the innovation, entrepreneurship and sustainable development of enterprises including Unicorn company.
作者 顾建平 邓荣霖 Gu Jianping;Deng Ronglin
出处 《南京社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第1期37-46,共10页 Nanjing Journal of Social Sciences
基金 国家社科基金项目“企业家灵性资本视角下企业创业导向及其作用机制”(15BGL095)的阶段性成果。
关键词 企业家灵性资本 团队创新绩效 创业导向 环境动态性 entrepreneurial spiritual capital team innovation performance entrepreneurial orientation environmental dynamics
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