
贫困地区农户生计资本对大病风险冲击的影响研究——基于结构和水平的双重视角 被引量:14

Study on the Impact of Farmers’ Livelihood Capital on the Risk of Serious Illness in Poor Areas——Based on the Dual Perspectives of Structure and Level
摘要 农户的生计资本是其抵御大病风险的重要依赖.首先通过纳入心理资本维度对可持续生计理论进行拓展,利用桂、鄂、赣三省(自治区)农户微观调研数据,对农户生计资本进行量化.然后,基于生计资本的结构和水平双重视角,运用Heckman两阶段模型探讨农户生计资本对大病风险冲击的影响.研究发现:①农户生计资本具有结构和水平不均衡现象,各类资本测量值的大小顺序为心理资本>社会资本>人力资本>金融资本>物质资本>自然资本,心理资本最丰裕,自然资本最缺乏;结构上,53.46%的农户属于弱资本型,分维度资本结构中心理资本占优型和社会资本占优型农户较多,分别占样本总数的39.62%和32.52%.②农户生计资本的分维度水平对农户家庭是否遭受大病风险冲击有着显著的影响.其中,物质资本、金融资本和社会资本对农户是否遭受大病风险冲击有着显著的负向影响.③对遭受大病风险冲击的农户而言,无论是生计资本的结构还是水平均在减弱大病风险冲击的严重程度方面有着显著作用.水平上,资本总量和分维度水平均对大病风险冲击的严重程度有显著负向影响;结构上,人力资本占优型和金融资本占优型农户抵御风险的能力较强. The farmers’livelihood capital is an important dependence of their resisting serious illness risk.This article first expands the sustainable livelihood theory by integrating the dimensions of psychological capital,and then uses the survey data from the three provinces of Guangxi,Hubei,and Jiangxi to quantify the livelihood capital of rural households.On this basis,the Heckman twostage model is used to explore the impact of farmers’livelihood capital on the risk of serious illness from the dual perspectives of the structure and level of livelihood capital.The study found:(1)The livelihood capital of rural households has an imbalanced structure and level.The order of the measured values of various capitals is psychological capital>social capital>human capital>financial capital>physical capital>natural capital.Psychological capital is the most abundant natural capital is the most deficient.Structurally,53.46%of the households belong to the weak capital type,and 39.62%and 32.52%of the total sample respectively belong to psychological capital dominant and social capital dominant households.(2)The sub-dimension level of farmers’livelihood capital has a significant impact on whether rural households suffer from serious illnesses.Among them,physical capital,financial capital,and social capital have a significant negative impact on whether rural households suffer from serious illnesses.(3)For farmers affected by serious illnesses,both the structure and level of the farmers’livelihood capital play a significant role in reducing the severity of the risk of serious illness.At the level,the total amount of capital and the level of the sub-dimension both have a significant negative impact on the severity of the risk of serious illness;structurally,the ability of human capital dominate and financial capital dominate households to resist risks is stronger.
作者 唐林 罗小锋 TANG Lin;LUO Xiaofeng
出处 《华中农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第2期49-58,164,共11页 Journal of Huazhong Agricultural University(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目“我国农村绿色发展问题研究”(15AZD071) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目“推进湖北绿色发展研究”(2662018YJ001).
关键词 生计资本 大病风险冲击 结构 水平 贫困地区 livelihood capital risk impact of serious illness structure level poor areas
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