
基层医疗集团体系下社区健康服务机构防控新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情实践 被引量:6

Practical Exploration for Preventing COVID-19 in Community Health Service Centers of Primary Medical Group
摘要 背景随着新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情的蔓延,社区成为疫情联防联控的第一线,社区健康服务机构是落实社区防控的重要实践者。目的探讨基层医疗集团体系下社区健康服务机构防控新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情的做法。方法某基层医疗集团现设置1家综合性医院(院本部),下设24家社康中心。2020-01-24疫情防控以来,24家社康中心与院本部开通了发热患者双向转诊路径,24家社康中心分别与21个社区工作站和警区组建21个“三位一体”工作小组,开展社区联防联控,加强发热患者管理,掌握疫区返深人员名单,实施居家医学隔离,发现异常情况及时转运至院本部。结果2020-01-24至2020-02-20,社康中心上转发热患者807例,接收下转发热患者226例。2020-02-01至2020-02-20,累计登记疫区返深人员8704人,累计入户随访27268人次,累计居家隔离10319人,累计解除隔离7412人,累计电话随访72997人次,累计发现确诊病例9例,转运密切接触者12例。结论社区健康服务机构通过加强预检分诊、管理来自疫区人员,在防控新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情中起到“早发现、早报告、早隔离”的网底作用,能够有效遏制疫情的扩散和蔓延。 Background With the spread of the COVID-19,communities have become the front line of joint prevention and control of the epidemic,and community health service agencies have played an important role in implementing community prevention and control.Objective To explore measures of preventing and controlling COVID-19 in community health service agencies.Methods There was one general hospital and 24 community health service centers in one primary medical group.Since the epidemic prevention and control had started from 24 January of 2020,24 community health service centers and the hospital headquarter opened two-way referrals for fever patients.The three-in-one joint epidemic prevention and control was conducted among 24 community health service centers,21 community stations and 21 police districts.By strengthening the management of fever patients and getting the data of returnees from the epidemic area,home-based medical isolation was implemented.The residents would be transferred to the general hospital in case of any abnormality.Results From January 24 to February 20 of 2020,807 cases of fever patients were transferred to the general hospital,and 226 cases of fever patients were transferred back to community health service centers.From February 1 to February 20 of 2020,a total of 8,704 returnees from the epidemic area were registered and 27,268 home follow-up visits were conducted.A total of 10,319 people were quarantined at home,and 7,412 people were released from quarantine.A total of 72,997 telephone follow-ups were conducted.A total of nine confirmed cases were found and 12 close contacts were transferred.Conclusion By strengthening preliminary checking and classification of patients and managing returnees from the epidemic area,the community health service agency plays an important bottom net role of“early detection,early reporting and early isolation”in preventing and controlling the COVID-19,which can effectively curb the spread of the epidemic.
作者 殷道根 段学燕 王庆川 廖小兵 何能清 林伟东 田丰 何珍 YIN Daogen;DUAN Xueyan;WANG Qingchuan;LIAO Xiaobing;HE Nengqing;LIN Weidong;TIAN Feng;HE Zhen(Shenzhen Longhua District Central Hospital,Shenzhen 518110,China)
出处 《实用心脑肺血管病杂志》 2020年第2期18-22,共5页 Practical Journal of Cardiac Cerebral Pneumal and Vascular Disease
关键词 新型冠状病毒肺炎 基层医疗集团 社区健康服务机构 “三位一体”联防联控 COVID-19 Primary Medical Group Community health service center “Three in one”joint prevention
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