The Japan-US trade friction has lasted for nearly 50 years.The Plaza Accord,the Louvre Accord,and the Structural Impediments Initiative are the three most important nodes in the process of economic policy coordination,and they are also the focus of analysis in the present article.The signature of these three agreements is a cooperative act of managing conflicts to avoid the negative impact of the trade war.But managing conflicts only mitigates them rather than eliminates them totally,so games at deeper levels will be launched.In this process,the focus of policy coordination is also deepening,from exchange rate adjustment to fiscal expansion and to the structural reform.Meanwhile,the costs of policy coordination are becoming increasingly apparent,and a zero-sum game of costs sharing is inevitable.Therefore,successful policy coordination requires not only compromise but also change in policy philosophy.As a weaker side,Japan has made more compromises and shared more costs.Many of its experience and lessons are also most worthy of reflection and evaluation.
Jiangsu Social Sciences