对磷酸二铵解吸生产20%浓氨水工艺进行了研究,结合实际项目中存在的问题对工艺进行了优化改进,达到生产合格产品和降低能耗的目的。本工艺是在弗萨姆法制无水氨工艺的基础上,采用解吸反应段和氨水提浓段两段式解吸塔,生产20%浓氨水。根据模拟分析和实际生产数据,磷酸二铵解吸塔的操作压力为0.9MPa,操作温度为168~178℃,塔顶回流比为0.2~0.3。通过对工艺的优化改进,简化了操作,磷酸二铵解吸塔基本维持在0.9~0.95MPa下操作,整个装置平稳运行,生产的20%浓氨水产品满足业主要求。装置能耗较低,每处理1t磷酸二铵富液消耗约0.1t 1MPa的蒸汽。
In this paper,the process of producing 20% concentrated ammonia water by desorption of diammonium phosphate is studied,and the process is optimized and improved based on the problems existing in the actual project to achieve the purpose of producing qualified products and reducing energy consumption.This process is based on the Foussam process for producing anhydrous ammonia,and uses a two-stage desorption tower with a desorption reaction section and an ammonia water concentration section to produce 20% concentrated ammonia water.According to simulation analysis and actual production data,the operating pressure of the diammonium phosphate desorption tower is 0.9MPa,the operating temperature is 168-178℃,and the reflux ratio at the top of the toweris 0.2-0.3,which is more suitable.Through the optimization and improvement of the process,the operation was simplified.The diammonium phosphate desorption tower was basically maintained at 0.9 to 0.95MPa,and the entire system was running smoothly.The 20% concentrated ammonia aquatic product produced met the requirements of the owner.The device has low energy consumption,and consumes about 0.1t 1MPa of steam per 1t of diammonium phosphate rich solution.
Chemical Engineering Design Communications
diammonium phosphate
desorption tower