
青海新见非科学出土奢华艺术品:吐蕃统治区域的伊朗图像 被引量:12

Recently Unearthed Luxury Art from Qinghai:Iranian Images in the Tubo-Ruled Area
摘要 近年来,青海都兰警方追缴了大批被盗的精美文物,目前这些文物大部分收藏在都兰县博物馆和青海藏文化博物馆,但也有相当一部分藏存于中国境内外的公共与私人收藏中。2018年警方在都兰的一次行动中缴获了数目可观的金银器,尽管目前尚无法确定被盗掘墓葬的精确位置,但基本可以认为这些文物大部分来自青海湖西南几公里处都兰县热水墓群遗址。本文主要讨论这些文物中最富有意趣的刻画有异域人物形象的金银器和装饰有伊朗纹样的纺织品,后者大部分属于类型学上所谓的"赞丹尼奇"(Zandaniji)织物。虽然这些奢华艺术品并非来自科学考古发掘,但对其图像学的研究无疑可为判定其年代和来源地提供依据,同时也有助于我们了解吐蕃王朝、吐谷浑与中亚(尤其是粟特)的交往与联系,从而更好地定位吐蕃王朝在隋唐时期丝绸之路上所担当的角色。 Dulan( Qinghai) Police have confiscated numerous highly refined objects from ancient tombs that have been looted in recent years. Most of these cultural relics are kept at present in Dulan County Museum and Qinghai Tibetan Culture Museum, while others have entered public and private collections both domestic and abroad. A large amount of metalwork was confiscated in 2018 in Dulan during a police operation. Even though the exact location of the graves that were disturbed by the criminal activity was not precisely established,it can be argued that most of these objects come from a site in Dulan County, specifically Reshui, a few kilometers south-west of the Qinghai Lake or Koko-nor. This article discusses the most interesting pieces of metalwork that were recovered, some of which were decorated with exotic figures, and some textile pieces that were embellished with Iranian motifs, the latter mostly belonging to the so-called "Zandaniji" typology. Although these luxury artifacts are not from scientific excavations, the study of their various iconographies will provide some clues to establish their chronology and provenance, and shed light on the exchange and relation among Tubo, Tuyuhun, and Central Asia(especially Sogdiana), to thus better define the role that the Tubo dynasty played in the culture of the Silk Road during the Sui-Tang period.
作者 康马泰 李思飞 Matteo COM PARETI Trans;LI Sifei(School of History and Culture,Shaanxi Normal University,X i'an,Shaanxi 710119)
出处 《敦煌研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第1期16-22,共7页 Dunhuang Research
关键词 都兰吐蕃墓 金银器 伊朗图像 “赞丹尼奇”织物 粟特艺术 Tubo tombs in Dulan metalwork Iranian images "Zandaniji" textiles Sogdian art
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