

Continuously Cultivating One's Nature to Approach Freedom:On FENG Qi's Philosophical Writing of WANG Fu-zhi
摘要 通过对冯契关于王夫之的哲学书写的考察,我们可以看出冯契的哲学史研究与哲学理论建构之间的史思互动的过程性:《中国古代哲学的逻辑发展》从初稿到刊行本的加工完善与《逻辑思维的辩证法》的撰写同步,二者之间存在复杂微妙的互动关系;冯契对王夫之成性说等方面的独到阐发逐渐从哲学史意义上的研究对象转变为“智慧说”内部的有机构成部分。与此同时,我们可以看到另一种史思互动:哲学之为哲学史的展开。冯契越来越自觉地通过自己的哲学运思接续中国近现代哲学的未济事业,参与到整个中国哲学传统第三个“圆圈”(荀子—王夫之—马克思主义中国化)的展开过程,拷问独断论如何克服,人的自由如何获得。就中国古代哲学传统而言,“智慧说”表彰荀子、张载、王夫之一系的气一元论,同时吸收陆王心学关于心体的因素,可以视为一种当代新气学。“智慧说”以开放的心态参与世界性的百家争鸣,其世界哲学的视域仍是当代中国学人需要消化的重要精神遗产。成性存存,自由之门,未竟之路。 By examining FENG Qi's philosophical writing of WNAG Fu-zhi,we can see the process of the interaction between FENG's research of the history of philosophy and his construction of a philosophical theory.While modifying the draft of The Logic Development of Ancient Chinese Philosophy,FENG was writing The Dialects of Logic Thinking as well.There lies complex mutual interaction between these two works.FENG's creative interpretation of WANG Fu-zhi's doctrine of nature cultivation has gradually transformed from a historical object to an organic element of his own philosophy.Meanwhile,there is another kind of mutual interaction between history and philosophy in FENG,that is,philosophy as the unfolding of the history of philosophy.FENG becomes more and more self-aware in continuing the unfinished course of modern Chinese philosophy through his own philosophizing.In questioning on how to overcome dogmatism and how to achieve human freedom,he is also participating in the unfolding of the third“round”of Chinese philosophy(Xunzi–WANG Fu-zhi–sinicization of Marxism).As far as the tradition of ancient Chinese philosophy is concerned,the“doctrine of wisdom”represents a modern doctrine of qi to some extent,highlighting the monism of qi(vital energy)developed by Xunzi,ZHANG Zai and WANG Fu-zhi while absorbing some theoretical elements from the mind-heart school of LU Jiu-yuan and WANG Yang-ming.With its open mind,the“doctrine of wisdom”participates in the intellectual disputation of different schools in the world.Its perspective of the world philosophy remains as an important spiritual legacy for contemporary Chinese philosophers.To continuously cultivate our nature to approach freedom–this is still not accomplished.
作者 刘梁剑 LIU Liang-jian
出处 《华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第2期26-33,193,共9页 Journal of East China Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“伦理学知识体系的当代中国重建”(项目编号:19ZDA033) 教育部基地重大项目“通过—超过:古今中西之争视域下的冯契哲学研究”(项目编号:16JJD720005) 上海市社科规划一般课题“中国现代哲学话语创新机制研究”(项目编号:2016BZX002)。
关键词 冯契 王夫之 自由 世界哲学 哲学之为哲学史的展开 FENG Qi WANG Fu-zhi freedom world philosophy philosophy as the unfolding of the history of philosophy
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