

Analysis on When Liu Shaoqi Began to Serve as Secretary of Fujian Provincial Party Committee
摘要 关于刘少奇任职福建省委书记的起始时间,历来认定为1934年7月。2018年11月最新出版的《刘少奇年谱》增订本第一卷将之改为1934年春夏。鉴于刘少奇在苏区史和中共党史上的特殊地位,有必要弄清楚这一改动是否真有道理。一方面,依照苏区福建省委书记更迭的相关记载,尤其是全总委员会1934年7月15日的一则关于刘少奇调动工作后,其原任职务由朱琪代理的通知,可论证原有说法准确无误。另一方面,《温仰春文集》中虽有刘少奇于1934年上半年(具体到4月)任福建省委书记的说法,但揆诸史料,温氏回忆多有失实处。对其进行的质疑和否定,也进一步维持刘少奇任职福建省委书记起始时间这一问题的原有说法。 The start time for Liu Shaoqi to serve as Secretary of Fujian provincial Party committee has always been recognized as July 1934,which was revised to be spring and summer of 1934 in the first volume of the newly revised and enlarged edition of Liu Shaoqi’s chronology published in November 2018. In view of Liu Shaoqi’s special position in the history of the Soviet Area and the history of the CPC,it is necessary to find out whether this revision really makes sense. On the one hand,according to the relevant records of the alternation of the Secretary of Fujian provincial Party committee in the Soviet Area,especially a notice issued by the general committee of the CPC on July 15,1934 that Liu Shaoqi was transferred and his post was represented by Zhu Qi,it can be proved that the original statement was correct. On the other hand,there was a statement in Wen Yangchun Anthology that Liu Shaoqi was appointed as Secretary of Fujian provincial Party committee in the first half of1934( specific to April). However,with reference to the historical materials,there are mistakes found in the memories of Wen Yangchun. The questioning and denying the Wen Yangchun’ statement also further maintains the original statement of when Liu Shaoqi began to serve as Secretary of Fujian provincial Party committee.
作者 曹春荣 Cao Chungrong
出处 《苏区研究》 2020年第1期74-80,共7页
关键词 刘少奇 中共 福建省委书记 任职时间 《温仰春文集》 Liu Shaoqi CPC Secretary of Fujian provincial Party committee start time Wen Yangchun Anthology
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