本文致力于城市95计划(Urban95)和其背后致力于为提高所有儿童早期发展水平的伯纳德·范·里尔基金会(Bernard van Leer Foundation)的解读。首先,本文介绍了伯纳德·范·里尔基金会的发展历程和提出的家长加(Parents+)、城市95(Urban95)计划和构建模块(Building Blocks)三大战略。随后,聚焦在了城市设计最为密切的城市95计划并对其运作机制进行了介绍。最后,结合城市95计划的相关文献与实践成果,从儿童城市优先区、儿童玩耍街道、儿童游戏玩耍场所三方面深入剖析如何塑造更好的95cm高城市,改善有孩家庭在城市中的生活、玩耍、交互和移动的方式,让城市更好地服务于儿童早期发展。
This article aims to the interpretation of Urban95 and its sponsor- Bernard van Leer Foundation who devoted to provide a good start for all children.First, this article describes the development of the Bernard van Leer foundation and its three strategies: Parents+, Urban95 and Building Blocks. Then focusing on the Urban95 that is more related to urban design with the analysis of its operation mechanism. Finally, after the literature and practice review of Urban95, the author explain how to shape a better 95 cm high city on behalf or children by three scales: Children’s Priority Zone, Child Playful Streets and Child Playful Space in order to make the city better service to children’s early development.
BIAN Yizhi;ZHU Wenyi(Tsinghua University,Beijing,China)
Urban Design