纽约州的水牛城一直以尼亚加拉大瀑布而闻名,而水牛城的滨水区则长期被忽视,没有得到应该有的发展。是时候开启水牛城新篇章了!这是纽约州长安德鲁·库奥摩(Andrew Cuomo)在布法罗高架走廊再设计竞赛任务书中的标题。如同不少现代滨水城市一样,一条高架路沿湖而建,在空间上分隔了城区和滨水区。竞赛希望参赛者针对水牛城高架路桥的未来进行再思考,提出既有创造性又有操作性的构想方案。朱文一工作室提交的水牛城过山车和步行道(BRCW)构想方案在设计策划、过山车地标、慢行步道以及可操作性4个方面探索了水牛城滨水区的未来(图1)。
Buffalo has long been known for its Niagara Falls.The waterfront area of Buffalo has long been neglected and has not been developed as it should.It’s time to start a NEW CHAPTER for the Buffalo Waterfront.This is the title of New York State Governor Andrew M.Cuomo in the Competition to Re-Imagine the Buffalo Skyway Corridor.Like many modern waterfront cities,an elevated road is built along the lake,separating the urban and waterfront areas in space.The competition hopes that the participants will rethink the future of the Buffalo Skyway and propose a creative and operational concept.A proposal of the Buffalo Roller Coaster and Walkway(BRCW)presented by ZHUWENYI Atelier explored the future of the Buffalo Waterfront in four aspects:design programming,roller coaster landmarks,walkway and operability(Figure 1).
ZHU Wenyi(Tsinghua University,Beijing,China)
Urban Design