
论彝族土司治理权的近代变化 被引量:2

A Discussion on the Modern Changes of the Governance Rights of the Yi Tusi
摘要 彝族土司存在了七百多年,是中国存在时间最长的少数民族土司。梳理近代彝族土司在彝区治理权的变化,结合奏折御批、凉山碑刻、清代凉山历史档案以及民间口述史料来研究彝族土司的的地方治理,更能客观地展示其治理权变化的影响因素,其中可见彝族土司职权的国家依赖性,权利变化受制于中央,并且始终与黑彝存在利益博弈,其社会治理权在国家统一与国家动乱时,有着极大的不同。国家政权稳定,彝族土司治理权稳定并得到加强;同样,当国家出现危机,土司权利也受到威胁。近代彝族土司权利变化正好与国家统一受到威胁时的权力的变化相对应。 Having lasted for more than 700 years,the Yi tusi is the longest lasting ethnic minority tusi among all the tusi administrations in Chinese history.In order to understand the changes of the governance rights of the Yi tusi in the Yi area in modern times,a combination of memorials sent by the Yi tusi to the court,approved documents from the emperors,stele inscriptions in Liangshan,the Liangshan Qing Dynasty historical archives,and oral historical materials can all help to illustrate more objectively the factors influencing the changes in the governance rights.It can be seen that the power of the Yi tusi greatly depended on the state;the changes in their authority was tied to the central government,but in addition,the Yi tusi were always engaged in a"game of power chess"with the interests of the Black Yi.The social governance rights of the Yi tusi differed greatly whether the country was at peace or in turmoil.When the state was stable,then the governance rights of the Yi tusi were both stable and strong.Similarly,when the state was in crisis,then the governance rights of the Yi tusi were threatened.The changes found in the governance rights of the Yi tusi in modern times corresponded to the changes of state power when the country’s unity was threatened.Historically,Liangshan was an ethnic minority area with an air of mystery.This was not just because of the geographical environment or its social structure.Even more important,was that the Yi people constituted the dominant ethnic group in this region.Compared with other ethnic minorities,the most significant feature of Yi society is its social structure which was sustained by the jiazhi or family clan system.This structure was one of key factors which made it hard for the Yi people to form a unified regional autonomous regime.During the period of the Nanzhao Dali Kingdom,the Yi people in the Liangshan area were partially governed by the kingdom,but practically,the area was managed by the aristocratic class of Black Yi.During the Ming dynasty,some parts of Yi area
作者 张晓蓓 张胜琴 Zhang Xiaobei;Zhang Shengqin(School of Law,Chongqing University,Chongqing,400700,China)
出处 《民族学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第6期39-51,122-124,共16页 Journal of Ethnology
基金 国家社科基金课题“‘藏彝走廊’地区少数民族司法史料的搜集、整理与研究”(19XMZ098)阶段性成果
关键词 彝族土司 治理 权利 近代 Yi tusi governance rights modern change
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