安尼施·卡普尔(Anish Kapoor)在中国的首次同名大展呈现了艺术家极具个人特色的装置作品、公共艺术模型以及不锈钢镜面雕塑等。本文试对作品的颜色、形态进行分析,探究其背后的内涵,认为卡普尔的创作深受法国哲学家茱莉亚·克里斯蒂娃的“卑贱”理论、心理学的镜像理论等影响,对处在全球主义和多元中心主义背景下的当代艺术创作,具有重要的启发意义。
Anish Kapoor’s first large-scale exhibition in China has featured his unique installations,public art models and stainless steel mirror sculptures.This article tries to analyze the colors and forms of his works,exploring the connotation behind them.The author thinks that his creation is deeply influenced by the French philosopher Julia Kristeva’s theory of“humble”and the mirror theory of psychology,which has significant meaningfor contemporary art creation under the background of globalism and Polycentrism.
Contemporary Artists